Jul 28, 2006 18:11
When our tale left off I was just starting with ITS as a network monkey extending the wired roaming network, under the supervision of Kelvin Pope. When that work ended I got poached by Tessa in Head of workstation services, an amazingly helpfull and lovely person if there ever was one, I have seriously never met someone quite so helpfull and so friendly.
Anyway found out a couple of days ago that i've been offered an Internship which is like totally amazing. I get a year off uni, It looks great on my CV, and gives me a huge advantage over like every other university leaver and i get paid £16-£18k for learning ?!
Like omfg awesome pwned
Go me go me go me go me.
See I have to give myself support because my parents don't and my friends are jealous :P
Seriously I rang my mum and she was like hmm whats an Internship, but you are going back uni though arn't you ? :| All in a rather unimpressed voice.
See because I don't get A's in academic tests i'm not really good enough for her, this is coming from someone who used to work as a table dancer and who dropped out of uni in the second year after plagerising heavily in the first.
Hope everyones good :)