Christmas Season

Dec 18, 2011 19:06

One week until Christmas!! I am very broke though so I'm making a bunch of presents for my friends and cousins. I got two of my little cousins into Doctor Who so I want to make a model TARDIS that slides open and they can play with (still working out technical difficulties) and another cousin I'm making Angry Bird puppets for so she can throw them around and beat them up.

Still sort of recovering from the shock of handing in my paper. I haven't received my grade yet but I am officially done with Grad school and this next year is the first year I'm not going to be enrolled in classes since I was four years old. Its a little daunting having actual free time and no school work hanging over my head. I am thinking about PhD programs and have actually talked to one of my Classics professors about it. He gave me a list of schools to look at and we came up with a plan of attack to make me attractive to  doctorate programs but I think I'm going to put that off for awhile. I need to not be in school, make some money, and get my feet under me before I pursue that further. Now I need to catch up on my television shows, make Christmas presents, and find a job in my field that might actually pay for me to get a PhD.  Good solid goals for now.

Anyway, as part of these goals I'm going to try to post at least once a day to LJ and comment whenever I read other people's posts. I need to work on not being a lurker and expressing myself verbally. Feel free to tune me out or reply or whatever. Merry Christmas everyone!

working on things, christmas, no more school, rl

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