Lock the doors!

Apr 09, 2011 23:45

The other day I took my dog, Oliver,  for a walk, taking advantage of the nice weather for a change. We had a good walk and said hello to several people and their dogs that we knew. We were almost home, walking up our hill when a car screeched to a stop in front of us. For a second I thought they were trying not to hit a squirrel or something but the lady rolled down her window and yelled at me " is that a Spinone??"

I'm like: O_O ...whut?
Crazy lady: The dog! That's a Spinone right?
Me: ..no he's a mutt. Mix of Irish terrier and Standard Poodle
CL: NOoo I don't think so, I think he's a Spinone! Look at his nose! He has freckles! Only Spinone have that!!!! They are really rare dogs!
Me:...no, we're pretty sure he isn't.  The vet and the shelter said-
CL: Oh they don't know! They always tell you bull shit!! He;s definitely a Spinone
Me: um
CL: (now blocking five or six cars from passing on the road) Look at how smart he looks!
Oliver: *You be crazy lady!*

and as she's driving away she's still looking at Oliver out her window and keeps it up all the way up the hill.

I memorized the license plates in case my dog goes missing in the next couple of days >_<

For reference:

Oliver the dog:


Similar, yes, but not the same dog

crazy abounds, rl

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