The rules of the community have been updated a little bit. Nothing very big changed. Each rule now includes the mention that if you do not adhere to the rules, your submissions will be rejected until a rule-adhering submission is given.
Though it's not a "rule," I have added a #6 to the list. #6 is stated as follows:
"6. IP Addresses - IP addresses are logged on this community. They are viewable by comm moderators and the owner. This has been done to prevent multiple accounts owned by a single person from entering the community and causing chaos. If you fuck up, we will know it, and so will the LiveJournal Abuse Team. You have been warned."
This has actually been in place for a while now, but I thought it should be mentioned, just in case some people aren't comfortable with it and want to leave.
Also, there is now a third moderator, though, you likely won't see him very often.
jasonusher5 is my husband. He will only be posting if I am unable to, like if I'm sick, or out of state, or anything like that.
Our community is now 1 year and 1 month old and thus far it has been a totally awesome ride. Thank you too all of you for joining and constantly supporting us, as well of course supporting Matthew.
PS- Icontest: =D