I miss you so much it hurts, Ennis!

Nov 01, 2006 00:57

Happy semi-late Halloween and such. Nothing much to speak of, in terms of the holiday. I didn't go to a party with a Jedi this year, so I suppose that's a step forward. I do love a good creepy party though, and those were painfully absent. I didn't have to wear my uniform at work today, and I could've worn a costume. I chose to wear jeans and a black long sleeve shirt. I went as "Uncreative Girl." Like I really wanted to get up at 5 this morning and have to put on a costume.

More important than Halloween, though, is my upcoming birthday. It's the day after tomorrow and I will be 23. Half way to 46. Third way to 69. And so on. I think this birthday will be the best yet.
1) It's my first birthday as a married woman! I don't know what difference that makes, really. It just sounds nice. Being married is nice and beautiful in itself, add a birthday to it and whammo! It's an amazing feeling to be able to be mutually happy. For instance:
2) We're taking a mini-roadtrip for the occasion. We had decided a while ago to drive to Chicago and we were pretty much settled in the idea. Then last week we had a few extra expenses (nothing ACTUALLY major, but any expense is major in my mind) and I decided against Chicago. It's too far away, and by the time we got there we'd have to come home. So we're going to Nashville, Indiana for a day trip. The town in itself is not necessarily "cool" but it is a haven for fond childhood memories. I've been going there about once a year since I was five years old and I've always felt a special connection with the town. There are certain things from childhood that when though about give you a warm and safe feeling inside, and I mean the warmest and safest possible. The one innocent childhood memory untouched by pain, sadness or even realistic knowledge. Sort of like Christmas, but less cliche. That's Nashville, Indiana for me. It brings back the feeling of knowing my parents loved each other, and they loved my brother and I, and we were all happy to be together there. And to be able to share that with Matt and have him understand and appreciate that will make me a very happy birthday girl.
3) I can actually afford to have a good time. I <3 funds.
4) Presents.

What can I say? I love presents.

Anyways. I shall update about the birthday in a few days.

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