Cover Art for the MoC trilogy

Jun 29, 2011 22:51

Okay so a while ago alexwhitewell did the art for my A Chicago Triptych fanmix, free of charge. I was really stupidly crazy in love with her art and I wanted to pay her ALL THE MONIES, so I saved up a bit and commissioned her for four pieces. One went to the Wonder Beta Grene as a thank you for all her help in keeping MoC going. Three, though, were cover art for the books.

Before you call me a narcissist, it was Grene's idea.

Anyway. Alex has finished all three pieces. Here they are, along with image descriptions because I'm not sure how to do alt tags on this:
Book One: other things the road to hell is paved with

Image Description: a fuzzy, dreamlike image inspired by Harry's dream in Chapter Ten. Harry kneels in the snow, tired, his hand against his neck. The only color is the smudge of red in his hand and on the snow-- his neck is bleeding from a bite. Far in the background, a shadowy, vaguely-tiger shaped figure looms. There are pawprints in the snow.

Book Two: putting out your fires with gasoline

Image Description: John stands shirtless, back turned, looking at his hand. His body is covered in a tiger's stripes, looped and curved over his skin. But some of the stripes as fading, some floating away, twisting like ribbon in the wind before disappearing, like sparks of flame in the air.

Book Three: the storm that lit the city

Image Description: John sits on a tall throne, sleek and unadorned except for the top, which is in the shape of the Chicago skyline. John is in a lazy sprawl, a crown tilted rawkishly upon his head. Harry is sitting on the arm of the throne next to him, holding his staff, staring over at John.

ETA: Alex colored the cover to Book Two and I think I want to die, it's so gorgeous.

book one, book two, art, book three

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