forum post

May 23, 2010 01:38

So i thought i would add my two cents to the latest forum request from blizz. here it is i would love some feedback.

[quote]I know it's not a pet........but would be very cool to have a Hunter only mount, that was tamed by the hunter (epic questline perhaps??)!!! Tie in the questline style from the Rok'Delar bow....having to do certain objectives with certain skills (would rather see this done with another weapon - like a Bow, having to tame a very unusual pet/mount would be pretty cool).[/quote]

I whole heartedly agree with this idea! Ever since my first Character i built got her first mount I have wished that Hunters could tame their own mount (within reason of course) Think about it, Warlocks and Palladins have their own unique mounts they have (had) to do a special quest line to obtain. More recently the Death Knights with their own unique mounts both a ground and a flying mount that they need to do special quests to obtain. Why not the one class in the game that utilizes the very creatures that a fair number of the mounts in the game are bassed off of as their companions and partners in just about every thing they do? Worgs, Cats, Tallstriders (aka Hawkstriders) Raptors, Dragonhawks. I think it would be absolutly amazing if Hunters where given the chance to get a unique Hunter only mount.

Now as for Pet ideas/feedback I would love to see some aquatic / semiaquatic pets introduced for Cata. especially with the introduction of under water zones and instances, lets face it who could justafiably belive any Bird, Moth or Wasp Hunter pet would be capable of doing well underwater? Sharks, eels, octopi, Hydra (exotic), Thrashers (exotic) and Rays, mabey even dare I say it? Orca (exotic) would all be great options for Hunters wishing to have pets that are more suitable for the aquatic environs comming soon. I know I would absolutly tame any one of those beasts if I was able to regardless of the limitation of where I would be able to have it at my side.

Pet armor. soemthign i belive just about every hunter would like to see added. perhaps it could be something to be added to the Leatherworking and Blacksmithing patterns; Leather and Mail armor for Cunning and Ferocity pets. And from the blacksmiths, plate for the Tenacity pets. this would add more variety for hunters and their pets as the armor itself could possably add to the pets viability in PvP Raiding etc though increased survivability through higehr armor / health to a single stat buff or a flat dammage buff. Absolutly nothing like PLayer character armor though nothign that could be gemed, enchanted or altered as that would 100% be overpowering.

Adressing the issue of one Pet being the top choice I think that what has been mentioned in previous blue posts is a very good start, Personally i am just stubborn enough that I refuse to use the so-called top pets on my Hunters and i play with the pets I enjoy. My main Hunter uses a Moth to raid with and I can generally pull 1k under a better geared Hunter using a wolf. That right there is my personal mark of pride and my little way of rubbing it in that gear and pet do not always equal skill. I play to have fun and that is what I aim to continue to do into Cata.
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