bada ba ba lovin it.

Apr 26, 2004 20:46 weekend my weekend my weekend..what did i do?...welll on brother came i hung out with him..we just went to the mall and the regular shit you do in murrieta..then on saturday..i woke up..had some sandwhiches..and then my family went to longbeach except for me..coz i had to go to the "school play".sooo i met up with kelly at starbucks..and we chilled..then we went to carls..and then sayf called me up..and he wanted to chill coz he was bored at work..

so we went to go chill with him at his work..and then when he got off..we went to mcdonalds for some sundaes..and then he tought me how to pack my cigarettes..they really do theyre waaay easier to light..and its a better feeling..but yeah then we went to q-club..and chilled there and starbucks..then we decided to go try out mexico..hahahah so we went out to mexico..paretied..came home at 2 in the in trouble..bull shitted a long story..and then my life went on..good times...

but were going again for a full i think in a month...may 19 i if anyones down....gimme a calll!!!!!!oh..butcha gotta be coool.hahahhaa word me if your down..seriously..we want a huge group..right on.

oh and me and amanda i think are an item now..but we didnt make any comitments..
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