Following the example of a well-known blog, I present to you my list of
Ralphies for 2005...
Best NONFICTION Book I read this year: Probably
Church Planting from the Ground Up, edited by Dr. Tom Jones. There's a wealth of information in the book. It's one I'll hold onto and probably use several times in my career - even if I wind up in an established church.
Runner up:
Cannanite Religion: According to the Liturgical Texts of Ugarit. OK, I'm kidding. No, really! This book put me to sleep on several occasions. The real runner up was a close one. I'd probably say
Holy the Firm, by Annie Dillard. I haven't finished 1776, so it can't be included on this list. From what I've read so far, it would have made it, though. Maybe next year.
Best FICTION Book: I didn't really read that many, unless you buy into the whole minimalist theory that the Old Testament history of Israel is a fabrication of Jewish elites. I don't buy into the
minimalist argument. I think the only work of fiction I've read this year was The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. I read it and thought, "Now, why didn't I read that earlier in life?" It's a good, quick read.
Best MOVIE of the year: If you really have to ask, you haven't been reading MattDanTodd Land very much. Shame on you!
Here's the answer, if you really need it.
Best CD of the year: Haven't gotten many new CDs this year. I'd say
Behold the Lamb of God, by Andrew Peterson.
Best SONG of the year:
Heart Shaped Box performed by Jordis on RockStar: INXS. She rocked!
Now, if you've read this - you're it! Either post your "Ralphies" on your Journal, or in the comments below.