Jun 25, 2006 14:43
At least 15 years ago, I came down with a horrible case of poison ivy. It was so bad that it got between my fingers and the swelled pretty significantly. The only way I could ease the irritation was by sitting on my hands. The thing I remember most about that encounter was the pain of moving the swollen areas. I've had smaller, more contained cases since then, but nothing on a wide scale like that.
I have a bad case of poison ivy again (or as my Brazilian friend, Julio, calls it, "ivy poison"). It's not as bad as my earlier experience, it's still pretty bad. I guess when I was weed-eating at work on Thursday, I brushed up against some poison ivy (maybe poison oak?). I didn't realize it and continued about my business attacking the wild and crazy weeds.
Friday morning when I arrived at work, my right arm had broken out in a rash. It didn't have the streaks like it usually does when I have poison ivy. It itched like the dickens, though.
By Friday afternoon, it was quite obvious that I had poison ivy. I still have it. My entire right forearm is covered with that irritating rash. It's so hard not to itch it - even though I'm taking Benadryl and putting whatever the magic ointment is that helps it dry out. It's swollen enough that it kinda hurts to bend my arm. Not fun. Not fun at all. On the bright side, it is starting to dry up some. If it doesn't show considerable improvement by tomorrow morning, I'm going to have to go to a doctor.
On top of that, I got stung Friday morning by two yellow jackets on my legs. I was lucky I didn't get stung by more. I can't really blame them for protecting their nest. After all, I did run it over with a lawn mower. I'm surprised the whole world didn't know I was stung. I yelled pretty loud.
OK - it's time for more drugs and ointment.
esr maintenance,
poison ivy,