Jun 08, 2006 15:40
I'm so sorry CMU that our school doesn't label fucking Valedictorians so I get no extra money for being in the top ten. Oh, and to all the fucking local scholarships, thank you for screwing me over because my parents work hard in their jobs and you feel like I don't deserve any extra money to pay for college.
I can't find a job, I called the CADL and they said that they already interviewed all the possible employees, but where the FUCK is my interview? No experience necessary my ass, they call themselves an equal opportunity employer when they pick and choose who gets a chance at the job. I hate Michigan, Granholm needs to get off her ass and actually try to do something for this economy instead of going around and having all these good ideas that never get put into action. I also called Target, Menards, Lowes, and Flapjacks and NONE OF THESE PLACES ARE HIRING EITHER.
Oh yeah, today and yesterday I spent $60 by myself for Mr. Gillett's gift basket (because he's retiring) and I am only being reimbursed $30. I knew it was coming, but I am still pissed off about it, that no one else from the senior class stepped up to help with it at all (it wasn't Andrew's fault that he couldn't come because he had to eat dinner with his great Aunt, so exclude him). And I have no gas and because I don't have a job my dad is "working my ass off around the house".
Well, I'm in a good mood.