So.. i go out today..
it was a nice evening w/ the em.jay..
i pick her up around 9pm.. and we
head to Kirby Park to feed the ducks!!
and to my surpise.. i see this!!!
what the mother fucker.
i went off the DEEP END!!!!
i brought bread and fudge stripe cookies for them.
after, me and emXjay went to barnesy..and got
some drinkage.. although i didn't get what i
orderd cause the lady was a slut bag.. we checked
out the dvd section that emXjay didn't even realize
exhisted cause shes silly.. and i showed her all
of the GOOD shows and movies... we agreed on some,
and disagreed on others... all in all, it was
a nice time. We stopped at wallsy so she could get
some mountain.dew..and then we paroosed through
the toy department.. which sucked.. but what are
ya gunna do.. i took the wife home and here i yam.
tomorrow is alot of work, an appointment with an
oral surgeon, and even possibly meeting my friend
Sal!!!!! from NeWjErSeY!!! w00t. :]