Mar 09, 2008 11:48
had my alarm set for 10:15 today so I can get an early start to shovelling the driveway/sidewalk~
I figured it would take me about 2 hours to do the whole thing just because it's like over a foot deep... and because I had another group meeting to get to at 2, I finally crawled out of bed by 10:30. There was only my housemate and me in the house today, so I thought maybe I'd do the driveway, and then leave the sidewalk and the back porch for the other guy when he wakes at like 3pm lol~ So I was trying to shovel a path from the front door to the street, and it took me 20 minutes just to get to the halfway point of my driveway ~_~ The snow wasn't exactly heavy, but it was back breaking, and my fingers/toes pretty much froze after 10 minutes outside...
Anyway, 20 minutes after I started, I'm still digging out a path on the driveway when this snowplow drove by and just started clearing out leftover snow at the fire station across the street~ I didn't really pay him any attention until the guy drove back onto the street and then stared at me for a bit, and he called out "hey buddy, want me to plow the whole thing to the back for you??" lol it was so nice of the guy to offer, so i said thanks and he plowed the entire thing in 10 seconds hahaha~ he even sprayed rock salt over it 'cause of the layer of ice underneath.... it made my first 20 minutes of plowing pretty much meaningless, but i was really down with the guy for saving me over an hour of just doing the driveway! so yea, i thanked him again and waved goodbye, and happily spent the next 30 minutes doing the sidewalk and the back =D
so that was a pretty good start for i gotta go eat and then prepare for the group meeting~