Aug 12, 2003 10:48
A fair bit's happened since I last updated. Firstly, I got a PS2!!! :) It came with this nifty eye toy thingie that you put on top of your telly and you can play games by moving your hands about, the kung-fu game that uses this is a lot of fun. I also got Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness with it, the controls are terrible for it and I got stuck really early on in it but I might get back to it later. And I got Grand Theft Auto Vice City which I am absolutely loving and playing all the time and a beach volleyball game that's not as good as the X-box one but is still really good fun, and then finally yesterday I got Final Fantasy X which I started to play and it looks pretty good but really weird and hard to follow what's going on sometimes. I also bought Jackass the movie yesterday on dvd which is awesome :)
On the job front well things are looking better here at this job I have and it doesn't look like I'm gonna get fired any time soon, however after what happened I'm not taking any chances and I've started applying for other jobs. There's one that looks really promising and the bloke at the agency that put me forward for it seems to think I'm perfect for it, and it sounds pretty good and its a bit higher paid so that's good news.
Oh yeah and yesterday I got a trojan virus thingy, eek! But I sorted it out ok, remind me not to ignore that little thing that pops up in my system tray and prompts me to update windows, that would have blocked it.
I'll try to update later today if I can, if not I'm gonna update a bunch tomorrow cos my boss is on a business trip and it doesn't look like I'll be left with a huge amount to do.