(no subject)

Jan 12, 2005 23:58

i started replying to one of Chrissy's posts and i got too carried away and figured i should just post it on my journal... so here goes.
(to Crissy) ya know we've been friends for so long, and we've been able to relate to each other so much. but this situation with Jeff being over in Iraq is something i've said i really couldn't relate to. mostly because i've never had someone so close to me be taken away for forever or for just a year, and i know that day will come and i'll go nuts. lol but the past week i've gained more of a prespective of relating to you, so to speak, because of knowing that Coach Dearman is leavin to go over there. I've got so many pictures on my desk, as you know, and there are only a handful that i wouldn't trade for anything in the world. one that has meant so much is the one of Coach Dearmans' two kids, Olivia and Ryan. those kids are so sweet and innocent and i just can't imagine knowing what little they know of the world and how they must think of that whole situation with him leaving. with that tsunami that hit i just kept thinking of how petty the conflicts between humans are and how 'mother nature' or God or whatever can just take it away with a few "waves". makes things seem so stupid as to why we have to have troops over there in the first place. if people of this world would all just love one another and not beleive that killing people solves a damn thing, then it'd be nice. lol. just to put it simply. i can't think of a day when i've not taken my "freedom" for granted. everyone does. it's just America.. we're the best country ever put together. but ya know, i think we learned very early on in our lives that history repeats itself. so with that said, i would only assume that even if the best civilization on earth ever, probably Rome, did fall... then it's safe to say that America too, will fall sometime. i'm not saying i want that by any means. i'm just pointing something out, makin yall think. i hope it doesn't happen in my lifetime, thats' for sure. but i am just kinda skeptical in the America we are going to be living in in the years to come. We have 'liberties' such as free speech. well i still don't understand why they can tell people they can't say 'God' in places because it offends someone. sorry, but it doesn't offend me in the least if a freakin muslim or whatever says their god's name. i really couldn't care less.

well anyways.. just lettin ya know that the new america scares me and that i don't know the answer but i really don't think any one person, President of the US or President of Oozbeckistan is the answer to solving this problem of "terrorism". it's a much bigger crisis than we have the answers to.
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