Looks like Woten tried registering again on getbig a couple of times but was banned both times. He is on youtube as "Shitbags69". LOL. I posted this clip already, but scroll to the comments here (Peter = maxsho):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNJqeyiIYac LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm dying here LMAO!! How did he know about Peter's hair? LOL. Hilarious.
My dad came back in town and is currently renovating my basement, here is how it started out:
Progress pics:
My dad is doing me a huge favour for helping me here since carpentry is his trade and he is very proficient at it. For the life of me I don't get why more people don't take the little time required to master basic handyman skills. Learning how to do so or learning how to budget properly and be fiscally conservative goes a very long way. Next summer when the house is paid off I won't need to stress out about my mortgage or hate on my spouse (95% of North America). Our generation seems to be under this delusion that we can reap the benefits of everything that previous generations earned without working for them for ourselves. I frankly look forward to watching the lazy shmoes around my age get utterly ass fucked as they enter the real world. Serves them right for not developing a work ethic as far as I'm concerned. I just want to live a nice and comfortable life which to me is living the dream. You may think the dream is being a celebrity or something like that - wrong. Here is an analogy. You walk into the casino and the dream is to come out with $100. You leave having lost $100. At that point, "the dream" is wishing you could go back in time and not walk into the casino to begin with and simply break even. Notice how the dream changes with reality as time goes by? Sure it would be nice to be a celebrity or something - what I think is nice is not living in a country where I am being shot at and where the base needs are easily available. Living in a place where by virtue of being here, I am in the top 8% of wealthiest people in the world. We live in an age of great technology and medicine, digital cameras, cell phones, and so much other great stuff and we are still as depressed as ever for some reason. My dream is not getting the mental diseases of the day such as depression and not partaking in excess of any kind. I saw a little old man in the sauna at the complex last year. He was retired and 69 years old and said "You can get anything you want in this life." So damn true. At least for anyone reading this. I realized this long ago - to me it would seem obvious.
Remember what I said about both the liberals and conservatives being utter morons at times?
The conservatives got it right in that cartoon haha. Now the average life expectancy I heard from one source has gone up - to 91! So these days we can take the best of the new age AND the best of the old days. What a great life. So many opportunities for everyone and we get to learn from mistakes made by people in the past.
Back in the old days debt was hard to carry so people got out of it FAST. Now it is easy (too easy) to carry and the average Canadian household goes into debt about 4% above and beyond their income each year (average Canadian household income is $60,300). This is what I mean by the best of both worlds: reap the wonderful benefits of a low mortgage interest rate while doing what your grandparents did by paying it off as quickly as possible. There are SO many ways to take advantage of both new and old school. Access to all kinds of drugs is here now, both the legal and illegal kind. So take advantage of them, but do it in a sane and safe fashion.
http://www.t-nation.com/readTopic.do?id=459523 T-Nation: You struggled with a recreational drug problem for several years, correct?
MQ: It was an on and off thing. I wasn’t a drug addict. I was actually self-medicating the anxiety from my ADHD with cocaine.
Jesus, Mike you dumb stupid shit LOL. Let me explain something to you: you were self medicating your DESIRE TO GET HIGH. Why the hell do some people try to justify their bad habits like this? As if they are kidding anyone but themselves. "I need to abuse drugs and get high every night in order to get in touch with my spiritual/mental/emotional side.". Well...no. You just like to get high, but if you enjoy lying to yourself, ok. I just like to spend 16 hours a day on getbig.com because I want to expand my vocabulary. Or...not. Why not just admit you have a bad habit? I'd say we all do. Lying to yourself never helps and can only hurt. I would rather put a problem out in the open. Posting my pictures on getbig was a great thing because getting ripped apart really made me realize my weaknesses. Don't be afraid of your flaws - relish them! That way if they are in your control, the chances of them going away are much higher.
Back to drugs: we have great medicines now. Use them! But don't abuse them. Same as with anything. Delicious junk food is quickly available, but use it scarcely. I am convinced the problems of today come from not being able to moderate. I eat a little bit of ice cream almost every day (one scoop). I drink a glass or two of coke every week. I eat a brownie every now and then, and I am far happier than anyone out there who stuffs their face with this shit. If only the joys of moderation could be taught I think people would be a lot happier. We live in a great day - we really, really do.
hm, that was a tired rant. Anyway...my mom was unhappy that the house was cluttered when she saw it. She doesn't quite get the fact that I have 10 days of work to do each week and seven days to do it in, so cleaning is the LAST priority for me. She will be the first to brag to her friends about my multiple degrees and website business, but then has the nerve to get mad at me for being messy. Well - something has to give. I can spend the time cleaning and not progress as fast in my career or I can do things as I've been doing them and be closer to a 50 year old as far as progress in life goes. It's not like I'm some lazy slacker just being a vegetable and doing nothing. I have more important things to do than clean. I want her to respect that point. That said, I respect her point: being clean is happy and healthy. I want my house to be like my haircut or my clothes. I want it to be a reflection of me. I am clean cut and a good dresser for a reason. Understanding basic colour coordination and style reflects on the kind of person I am - a prompt, proper one; articulate and a gentleman. That said, I don't think style should detract from the important things in life. I would rather progress in my career than keep everything perfectly clean. BUT, I will give my mom this - it's better to be clean. And why not do both? I think I will. I think at the end of the discussion I got her point of view - clean is good and should be done. And she got my point: it's not that I don't want to clean up, it's that I am too focussed on my career and building my future to concern myself with something as trivial as cleaning. Back to her point: being clean isn't necessarily trivial. It's one of those "handyman" type skills which pays handsomely over the long haul. My mom did acknowledge that most people twice my age aren't doing as well in life as I am. So we both won that argument and since she was there nagging me, I cleaned the house. That type of nagging is a good kind. People are smart to respond to that type. If my mom told me to trim the lawn with tweezers - that is another thing. Some nagging is good. As for the house though, it actually wasn't that bad. In fact, my mom is an outright neat freak. So I could ignore her points altogether, but you know what? I want to be a complete neat freak too. It just makes for a more pleasant environment which will pay off in other ways, as I said above. I also think being a neat freak would be a good reflection of me, so I will master that skill starting tomorrow. More on mastery later.