Well, sort of.
My friend offered to sell me his 2000 Civic and if all goes well I'll buy it next week and put a car starter in - otherwise it's loaded. All the reviews are good and it looks good too. I'm loving this car so far. Not too relevant, but it has good resell value too. I just want a good heater and a starter and a car that's not as old (ugly) as mine. Not brand new, but just not ugly and rusted.
The funny thing is, a few years ago I would have driven a tin box (like literally, a tin box - or even that Flinstones stuff) if it got me from A to B. I guess somewhere along the line my standards went up slightly. I am a man of utility. I'll say one thing, I did get my share of judgmental comments for driving a rusted 1989 Mazda 323, from people getting rides from me no less!! Sadly, not an isolated incident, although they were pretty rare. The reality of the situation is that I spent $900 on a car that lasted me three years and I accomplished all the goals I set out for myself in that time. That's called utility or prioritizing. I had my education and house to pay for instead of a fancy car that comes with lack of fuel efficiency and high insurance rates. I wouldn't be where I am now if I did it any other way. I'll say one thing, the second I hear a critical word about my new car from a passenger is the second they walk home. Beggers can't be choosers and I think some people need a lesson in gratitude or just knowing their place.
New cars are never an asset and always a liability. They depreciate in value the moment you drive them off the lot by upwards of 25% and continue to depreciate from there. In some ways I take after my dad. I have his shoulders and back, I'm a conservative spender and big saver, I am a very easily pleased man, and most relevant to this post, I plan on driving clunkers for the rest of my life. If cars had a practical purpose other than going from A to B I would look at things differently. The owner of EBAY still drove his 1989 Mazda well into being a millionaire. It may very well have been the same model I own.
All in all, it's the same old thing going on in my life. The guys at MuscleTime.com have offered me free tickets to the Arnold Classic next year for helping to promote their bodybuilding DVDs. People won't just stop doing things for me. The cafeteria opens next Saturday. I have to say that as always, I've had my share of bad things happen to me, whether it be people trampling on favours I give them or just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I remember as soon as my cell phone was ruined by those ice caps it didn't phase me at all - even knowing it would cost a lot to get the phone replaced. Same as when my car was broken into. No matter how much bad luck I have it seems nothing can get my spirits down lately. I think that finally after 24 and some odd years I am exactly where I want to be in life. I would be happy to have found my niche in life at 50, let alone at 24, and I think a lot of 50 year olds would be happy to find it too. I guess I'm too lucky to be angry or upset about anything for long - even for five minutes.