Little jumpy

Jan 21, 2005 02:37

Well, today was another day off. Go AU for giving us a 3-day school week. And thanks to all the M, Th professors who translated them not having a week of our class into us having the entire week off to be loaded up with work. We have lives outside of your class, I'm sorry you don't have a life outside of school.

Anyways, despite the workload, I of course put it aside to experience history and catch up on sleep. Bethany, her two friends Steph and Lauren, and I all went downtown today. We left AU around 10:00AM and then walked around the mall area until we could find a way through security. We got in after the swearing in ceremony took place which was fine by me because it wasn't exactly my candidate of choice anyways plus all the pomp and circumstance, not to mention the cost of it all, kind of makes me sick. HOWEVER, after getting through what was basically the protesters entrance (aka all those without tickets) and lining up to see the parade, I had become quite sick of the protesting. While some arguments were valid, some were just really the one that basically said we started war in the wrong country, not that war is bad, just that Bush picked the wrong place. When some people decided to take a flag and place it over a cardboard replica of a coffin, I really just wanted to ask them what family member of theirs was overseas fighting or had died defending our freedom. While I understand they care about the fact that innocent men and women are dying, they can't relate unless they've actually lost someone or could possible lose someone. Then when they flicked off the DC Police and Military Bands I basically found myself cheering louder and louder, even for the President. Even though he isn't who I wanted to see riding in the limo, he still is the President whether we like it or not.

Those who support him, have just reason as do those who don't support him. Just remember that for every action there is a reaction and that sometimes the decisions that are made by any person in power, aren't best for all people. Denying an entire group's civil right to marry is just as unjust as denying women the right to vote or treating blacks unequally. So if he's going to rewrite the constitution, he might as well remove the 13th and 19th amendments while he's at it and make it so that all groups are treated unequally and if everyone is treated unequally, we'll have achieved equality in being treated uneuqally.

MOVING ALONG, because by no means am I into politics, the "like a rock" situation is not getting any better, but instead more difficult to handle as each day comes. It starts to make you think that you did something wrong or that there is something wrong with you. And as much as you don't want it back, because of the way you have been treated, part of you still does. Its very odd. What's worse is that I should have seen it coming, I had been warned; people are creators of habit.

Hopefully this Catholic Choir thing will eventually smooth itself out. I wish Father Woods was still hear but I'm sure I'll come around eventually. The first song sheets didn't take long to make and although my goal was to have them in on Wednesday, hopefully tomorrow won't be too late. Otherwise I'm screwed and becoming Episcopal. I'm also hoping these medical conditions work themselves out. The lump is still around and sometimes it will be fine and other days it will hurt so much its hard to think about anything else. The tingling in my fingers and toes seems to have stopped now that I am eating more frequently (not exactly every two hours, but not my usual one meal a day). Of course, come April, I could start having my coughing fits again and that would be a ton of fun!

Although it is currently 3:06AM, I'm not tired because after a day out in the craziness of downtown, I needed a nap and woke up from one only a few hours ago. I'm actually pretty hyper and can't stop twitching my leg. I've done my homework for tomorrow and my studying for my first quiz - hopefully my package will come tomorrow too. Fresh baked brownies are on their way from Mom. Way to be CMK, way-to-be.

Well, on that happy thought (mmm...brownies) - I'm off. Enjoy your weekend and thanks for reading!

Andy, Leslie, Liz, Rachel, Amy - Why aren't we still living together in A8A?!? I miss you guys terribly!
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