Oct 16, 2008 15:06
so I'm voting for Obama, because McCain implied that his having known William Ayers called into question Obama character. Personally I think exposure to different ideological models is a positive, and if we want to attach association wasn't McCain a Prisoner of War for 5 and half years in Vietnam, I guess that makes him a soviet sympathizer. I don't know I guess McCain might just be sore that He was part of system of government responsible for spreading the idea that government of the people for the people to different parts of the world, was so unpopular among its own national citizens that they took it upon themselves to act to disrupt the actions of the government and society.
It has been suggested that the cold war was won because the U.S. won the arms race and was able to sustain it's economic policies while the Soviet Union collapse due to its inability to sustain its military industrial complex.
I would argue that we could have achieved a greater degree of success in a quicker manner if we had opened trade with the Russians, and nations in the soviet bloc. We trade with China and personally I fear them less because of the strong economic ties, sure I call into question their quality control structure, but I feel that their products and government will only get more positive for the condition of the world as we continue to interact in trade and peace.
On a closing note McCain was part of the military that is an organization which has written into the directive that the State is capable and responsible for maintaining the State's security, at the expense of human life. Most citizens don't call into question this assumption, but the funny thing is the real kicker is that most of the people who would respond to the Ayers ties are most likely card carrying members of the NRA, And proudly supporters the second amendment which stats that because the government maintains the use of force, The right of the citizen to maintain weapon shall not be impeded upon. That is implied directive to the citizen to be personally responsible for the actions of the government and when and if the actions of society and government is wrong to act against it.