American Idol

Feb 20, 2008 15:06

So a new season of American Idol started last night, and since I seemingly have nothing better to do with my life, let me blog about it so that I can pretend people are interested in what I think.

Last night was the first night of the top 24 round featuring the top 12 guys. In what has been billed as the best top 24 yet (and they say this every season.. seriously, who's ever going to admit that it's not? I dream of the day when when Randy Jackson says "eh, this season is alright") Let's go through them one by one.

It was 60's night (which must have been a first for AI having a theme night for the top 24.. not a big fan of the change but whatever.)

David Hernandez
-good voice, I'd have to say probably top 3 vocally among the guys. However Simon is right when he alludes that there doesn't seem to be anything memorable about his voice or him. His intro starts with a sob story (which American Idol contestant doesn't nowadays? it's a requirement people!) blah blah low income housing, blah blah, starts the song, good vovals, totally forgettable. Not much personality either, he's a little better looking than some of the other contestants (see Colton Berry below).
-Prediction: 50/50 chance of making it into the top 12 if people recognize good vocals.
-Kelly Factor: 4 out of 10 Kellys (Clarkson of course, who should be the standard for all future American Idols)

-boring. ugly suit. kinda reminds me of a fatter Carlton from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. He has the balls to talk over simon Cowell, which can sometimes work for you, but ultimately just made him look like a douche. PASS.
But I must say one thing. Even though Paula may not be on drugs, she sure does act like it. Singing in colors? You crazy Paula! but then again, it IS 60's night, so she might have been getting into the groove if you know what I'm saying. If you don't then replace "GROOVE" with "LSD".
-Prediction: He will make it into the top 12 being the token black guy/soul singer.
-Kelly factor: 3 out 10 Kellys, he's gotta choose better songs. Sing some Dream or Omarion dammit!

David Cook
-BLAH. Rocker wannabe. Seriously, if you want to be a rocker, I don't think you'll find validity in doing so by being a contestant on American Idol. Hello Constantine Maroulis! Daughtry you say? Well if Daughtry becomes the next U2 or Rolling Stones then I'll gladly sever my left nut. Rachel, my AI buddy, adores him which means he's got the emo girl vote. The song was ok, vocals were middle of the road for me (ugh, I'm channeling Randy Jackson), really the only thing he has going for him is the fact that he's a rocker... but there's 3 of them this season which will probably split the voters up.
-Prediction: He'll make it to the top 12 thanks to his frosted red hair (helloooo 90's)
-Kelly Factor: 5 out of 10. He's one of the more memorable ones.

Jason Yeager
-AGAIN with the frosted tips! This guy's inspiration for hair must be Rogue from the X-men. Boring performance, nothing memorable. Although he seems to have a nice personality and he's got the kid thing going for him, he might get some sympathy votes.
-Prediction: I wouldn't be surprised if he was the first person cut.
-Kelly Factor: 2 out of 10. He's gotta step it up if he makes it to the next round.

Robbie Carrico
-BLAH. Again with the rocker types. Among the 3 this season (David Cook and Michael Johns being the other 2) he's probably got the voice least suited for rock. Simon doubts his authenticity, which is not unfounded in my opinion. He WAS in a boy band from Orlando after all. Although I did like the arrangement of the song so props to him (if he arranged it that is).
-Prediction: Top 12 thanks to being a rocker and being Britney's ex.
-Kelly Factor: 4 out of 10. Not as memorable as David Cook.

David Archuleta
-Ding ding ding! We have a winner folks. Simon said it best, "When you've got it, you've got it" Great song choice from the Miracles feat. Smokey Robinson, great on stage prescence and a very marketable demeanor. His voice seems kinda awkward when he goes into the lower notes (almost drag-ish) but damn if he isn't one likeable kid. He's current, he's a good singer, and in this world of Hanna Montanas and Miley Cyruseseses, he'll sell.
-Prediction: Final 3 at least... possible winner.
Kelly Factor: 8 out of 10

Danny Noriega
-He just seems like he's trying too hard, although judging from his past footage, this guy (or gal?)'s got a crazy good voice. Graet personality too, he's like in his own little Danny Noriega world when he talks. He's got to bring it if he makes it to the next round.
-Prediction: America isn't going to vote for the gay teen drama queen. Sorry Danny.
-Kelly Factor: 6 out of 10. Kids got a voice.

Luke Menard
-What's Wolverine doing on American Idol?
-Prediction: If he makes it into the top 12 it's because people think he's Hugh Jackman.
-Kelly Factor: 1 out of 10. He's gotta dig deep and unleash some Robin Thicke or something.

Colton Berry



I think that says enough.
Prediction: Will make it through to next week. BLAH.
Kelly Factor: 2 out of 10 (what does this guy have to offer? really? and they passed up Josiah "fake british accent" Leming for this? ugh.)

Garrett Haley



again... what were the judges thinking when they let this kid through? are people going to buy albums from an albino Joan Van Ark who sings like a chipmunk?
Prediction: Mercy killing, American Idol style if not this week then soon.
Kelly Factor: 1 out of 10

Jason Castro
-I like how American Idol lets the contestants use instruments now (you'd think they would've gotten the hint sooner with all the Michelle Branches and Colby Calait's selling nowadays) I expected his voice to be edgier though, mostly because of his look. Not bad, definitely a front runner for the guys.
Prediction: Top 12 thanks to the dreds.
Kelly Factor: 6 out of 10 (his voice is just off somehow.. he's gotta change the look)

Michael Johns
-My friend Rachel is in love with this guy but again, i just don't buy it. American Idol is the avenue for people who want to be famous, not people who want to rock, and M.J. hits me as the former. Great singer though, he's difnitely got the voice. Boring song choice since we've seen him do it before.
-Prediction: Top 12 naturally, but he won't win because America has this Xenophobia thing. (psst.. he's Australian.)
-Kelly Factor: 8 out of 10. He's good and he'll sell, I'll give him that.

So all in all, the top 12 guys with the exception of some like David A. and Michael Johns is just really mediocre. I still can't believe people like Colton Berry and Garrett Haley beat out other kids like Josiah. Here's my prediction for the top 6 guys: David Archuleta, Michael Johns, David Cook, Robbie Carrico, Jason Castro and Chikeze.

It's the girls' turn tonight. Go Team Ramiele and Team Brooke!

*oh yeah, I claim no rights to any of the pictures seen here. So don't sue me bitches.

american idol

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