Well, sorta. The Alpha version is, but still, that's a huge load off my back. Remember, it will be two weeks ago from tomorrow that I even started mucking about with UnrealEd, and I had to learn a lot of stuff on the fly.
So, for anyone reading who plays UT3, feel free to take the Alpha for a spin:
http://www.filefront.com/14307803/DM-EngineRoom_Alpha_16.zip Note: I call it Alpha as even though it's ready for human players to run around within and blow stuff up, it currently has very little in the way of eye candy -- most everything is BSP and carries the default ever-so-lovely checkerboard pattern for textures. Still, the first pass of the lighting is in place, the Bot pathing is set up, and audio is running. Besides, the main thing is to get some feedback for the actual game flow of the level, first, before I start delving into static meshes and textures, which I suspect will soak up an equally large chunk of my life.
But for now, a break from it, so I can work on other aspects of my life mentioned in the previous post.
Some screenshots: