Jan 21, 2009 23:50
So tonight I was out on a date; I mention this not because of the content of the date itself (it was a decent chat, but about as many sparks as a feather hitting whipped cream), but rather for the trip to and from said date.
I was a bit wary about it to begin with, as I was driving out about 30 minutes to the meeting spot, and the meeting time was when she got off of work: 9:30. This meant that I was going to be home late, and frankly, I wasn't looking forward it -- so, to be fair, that put the date on bad footing to start, as in the back of my mind I was the cheerful though, "This had better be worth it...."
Of course, I had to try and find the place first. Have I mentioned that I hate the NJ highway system? Suffice to say that thanks to a bizarre set of merging lanes and a generous helping of totally illegible signs, I took a wrong turn and didn't realize it for five minutes. Eventually, thanks to built-in dashboard compass dash and the sheer luck of pulling into the parking lot I wanted to make the "I'm lost!" call, I found the ron-day-voo.
The trip home, as can be expected, went awry as the signs to lead me back to the turnpike were, of course, not there.
Again: I hate the NJ Highway System.
And again, I managed to use my onboard compass and some deductive reasoning to find my way over to 21 North, which I take all the time to the airport, and managed to get home that way. About a half-hour late, true, but still. At least I didn't have to pay the toll again.
On the bright side, at least this gave me a chance to sing along to my music in the car. My form for "You Wouldn't Believe" is coming back, I think.
[ S H I E L D B R E A K ! ! ! ]
I got the song "Cath..." by Death Cab for Cutie last night, largely because I really liked the music; had a nice groove, a bit of an echo -- reminded me of The Posies "Suddenly Mary," as one of those songs I list as "Songs for a Darkened Room with Headphones."
Anyways, I've been listening to it more, and actually following the lyrics all the way through, and my appreciation of this song has grown by leaps and bounds. The music, IMHO, really supports what's being said -- in particular, check out the musical tone switch that starts at 2:20. Great, great stuff.
Man, I have got to get back into songwriting.