Fic plot

Aug 08, 2010 21:11


I have been greedily reading this comm for two years, but I never posted anything. I suppose I don't have what it takes to slash writers!

Recently a plot popped out my mind but, as I said, I don't have the slash talent. So I wonder if someone of your talented person out there may be interested.

The plot is: while Matt is on night shift, and Mohinder is at home alone, two burglars broke into the apartment- they can be Sylar and/or Flint and this could be an au. The bad guys are not happy just to robber; Mohinder is brutally beaten and raped. He is very hurt, psychologically and physically. Matt, as a cop, investigates and so we have two different scenario: one in which Matt is tender and patient to an hurt Mohinder and one in which he is merciless as he gets his revenge. Yes, kind of Death Wish stuff.

I really hope someone would write this story; I found the plot very interesting and adapt for a short story or for multiple installments.

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