Aug 24, 2002 17:56
I know you all have missed me SO much... now haven't you!!
Well I really don't have a excuse.
We are back at work. It's great fun. I spend more time with Brad's wife now a days than he does.
It's a good feeling to think that Brad Pitt might actually be jealous of you.
I have spent the past few days trying to come up with "the perfect Sandwich"....didn't happen. Subway beat me too it. No wonder Jared is a skinny white boy now those things are good.
If I knew it was that easy to become famous I wouldn't have stalked Bon Jovi for all those years just to get on a video... But come to think about it I WAS IN A BON JOVI VIDEO..... not many of you can say that now can you..
Didn't think so.