I guess I've been keeping something from all of you for awhile...I haven't even told Tim or Alexei-- that's how deep of a secret it has been...well, I guess now is as good of a time as any-----. Ashley and I got married the day after Christmas.---
I know, it was extremely selfish of us to do that without sharing it with anyone and then keeping it quiet. He, well... We, really both thought that with all the goings on and babies being born and other couples being so fiery, it might be in our best interest to not say anything for awhile.
I've also made the decision to sell the house in El Segundo, it wasn't any easy choice to come to either. My life is with Ash, so I'm moving to Orlando (for the time being) to be closer. Where we go from there is anyone's guess.
After the crazy grandma next door died last month, and the Frat Boys down the road got busted for pot and ended up evicted the neighborhood lost some of its charm. Dani left for NYC, Tim and Alexei started spending more time on the road than ever before and Manda made the decision to sell her home...the neighborhood lost the last charms it had. I was holding onto a life that didn't want me anymore by staying in this house.
There are a few things I just have to say though...
Tim and Alexei-- you guys will always be my nearest, closest and best friends ever. You took me in when I needed it the most and I've never forgotten that. Alexei, I know you sometimes think that we aren't as close as we could have been, and I agree. But you're still very dear to me. You've been my pillar of strength when I needed it, and I hope, somehow I repaid the favor to you. I say spasiba to you Lyosha, for everything. And Tim, I have no idea where to start with you. You showed me how to love someone with all your heart, like the way you love Alexei. You've been my crying shoulder and my partner in streacking. I loved you the moment I saw you and it's only grown from there. To cheers to the adventures behind us and the thrills before us. No matter if I'm in El Segundo or on a little island in Taipai you both are always with me in mind body and spirit.
Dani, Manda, Sami, Janie, Adam, Lena, Ryan and Keri (of course Keri, how could I forget Keri.. you see? I'm mentioning her name a lot so she knows I'd never forget her.. KERI KERI KERI). I love you. No further words can possibly ever be said.
There are so many others, so many who touched my life, and Ash's life. I cannot even begin to mention you here. My heart is with you and you are in mine always.
With Aaron getting so big so quickly, with moving and with focusing on my marriage... this journal, as important as it has been to my life and lives around me (if only for a laugh) has to end. So now I leave you, much as I came in. Slightly off-topic, a little hyper, but always remembering that the power of love is there to change us all, for the better.
its his sweet touch
its his tender lips
its his mellow eyes
its his soft voice
its his powerful hands
its the way he kisses the bridge of my nose
its the way he yanks my hair when we're playing
its the way he giggles when i say something silly
its the way he frowns when i say something sad
its knowing that when i call him, he'll answer
its knowing that he'll always be around
its knowing that i can trust him to the ends of the earth
its knowing, for certain, that soul mates really do exist.
its knowing, for absolute certain that i've found the one i want to be with for the rest of my life. for once in my life i'm left without questions, without doubts and without wonderings if this is the right thing to do.. i know his heart is true as mine is to him. i never want to face a day without him next to me. that is why i marry ashley parker on this day.
*strolls into the sunset hand in hand with Ash*
*whispers* And scene...
*lights dim as the orchestra plays one final overture*