Oct 17, 2005 19:52
So on Saturday I got to go see Alton Brown live in person at Local Nebraska Furniture Mart. Well the day started extremely early at 4:45am. We wanted to be at the store around 6am to beat the crowd. So 6am rolls around and we are pulling into the parking lot and see that noone else is anywhere in sight. YAY!!! we have the entire outside of the store to ourselves. This is when the fun truely began. Since the world really didn't sleep the night before, the goofiness we at its peak. About 3 mins after we get to the front of the building, the security gaurd drives up onto the sidewalk and says"Can I help you?" Dave told him we were there to see Alton Brown. He was like Oh noone told me about it. After that he just left us alone. So Around 6:30 Tim and I go on a food run to McDonalds. Between 6:45 and 7:15 we stood around listening to iPods and having a great time as usual. shortly after 7 a new security gaurd drives up and gets out of his car and asked if Alton Brown was really worth getting there 5 hours before the show. We all just looked at him and said "Yes!!!" he then goes into this monologue about how the fatter security gaurd does magic durring his shift. So after a good 20 to 30 min of bantering with him, we were once again alone, Which is ok coz we are always entertaining ^_^. So 8:15 rolls around and ppl start to show up. As everyone was standing in line, we all started to pass books around and show what we brought to have signed. Tim ( Tekitsune), Dave (Ottermama),and I brought some books and some more excentric items. Yes, we actually took a full size Kitchenaid mixer. I myself had a Coca-Cola Stake and Shake Tray. As we got closer to 10am, which is the time the store opens, we read the sign in the window that said tickets would be passed out at 10:30 and the show would start at 11am. We all stood there and wondered how they would handle all the ppl in line between 10 and 10:30. Well 10am finally came and these really cute girls came out and told us that they would show us the way iinto the store of the show. The que line was very long and whent right through the appliance section. When we reached the end of the que, we were told that tickets would be passed out at 10:30 as posted and seating would begin at 10:50.
"Come on feet just a few more minutes till we get to sit down." I kept telling myself. While we waited in line they came around with some white peices of paper for us to fill out to win a door prize. So 10:50 rolls around and right before they come to open up the "sitting" area they notice that there is a puddle in the walk way. After about 3 minutes, it started to smell of sewage like grossness. So that delayed us sitting down by about 15 minutes.
Finally we get to sit down after 5 hours of standing. Woot woot, we got front row ccenter seating, actually,it was reserve seating. Sweet free upgrade. It pays to get there extremely early. So we sat there for about 20 minutes as everyine got seated. The line for the show started with the three of us and by the time we actually sat down there had to have been around 1000. But only 250 seats per show. I have no sympathy for the bastards who waited till the last minute to get there. So the PR girl Katie got up on the stage and did the introduction for AB.
The actual show was so amazing. I cant even find the words to describe the fun. If you dont know who Alton Brown is, just watch Food Network Wed nights at 9pm Central. Yes, I'm a geek and I've come to terms with it. Because I'm not that good at writting shit,I'll let Ottermama do that for me..lol ^_^
Afterward, We got to meet AB one on one I gopt my Tray Signed and got a pic with him.
What happened after that, I'll let Tekitsune share.
I'm sorry about not havin pics yet, Once I get them I'll post all we have.