Level 5.4

Aug 29, 2009 13:49

It's been forever >_> not that I think too many people read this but yeah XD

I've been fairly busy of late, with work and everything else, Mikomicon is coming up soon!! Hurray!!

I have a new cosplay I finished recently and I like wearing so much! Plus it's oldschool anime XD one of what I consider to be a classic lol

other than that not much is going on for me..I do have therapy starting soon..on the 9th..finally but hopefully I won't have to go too many times...

Went to a gathering in Thousand Oaks last weekend, it was so fun! I met some new people and made three friends ^^ hurray!!

But yeah here's a picture of muh cosplay.. XD Android 17/Juunanagou keh hehehe

I hand colored my socks >_>; lol neon green socks are SO hard to find in my city!!! You can't see my earrings in the picture but I got those too! I'm accurate! mostly XD


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