treebones: "Join the movement to have
faerie chainism taught in schools!" Just because objects fell downward yesterday and every day during the life of every being who has ever lived to report about it does not mean it did so before that; and it doesn't mean objects won't fall some other direction tomorrow. Having discredited the theory of gravitation we now can demand equal time for the theory of chains of faeries pulling everything toward the earth.
As anyone knows, a theory is just an unsupported speculation that has not yet been looked into. And yet to this day the entire global scientific community refers to it as the "theory" of gravity. Why just look at
Wikipedia's entire page of theories, like heliocentric theory in which the earth orbits the sun instead of vice versa. These are all accepted with overwhelming unanimity by this global community of frauds called scientists, who obviously got into the science biz in order to engage in a massive conspiracy to conceal faeries. And yet they give themselves away by referring to them as theories, so now we can tell the schoolchildren that scientists really support faerie chainism.
Remember, we must always refer to the theory of gravitation as "Newton's theory" and "Newtonists," just like we do with "Darwin's theory" and "Darwinists," because that way we can make it clear that we're disputing one crackpot person and his blind followers instead of disputing with reality itself.