le_bebna_kamni knows Java really well, which has come in handy for tutoring, I can tell you.
However, she also has a copy of "Beginning Python From Novice To Professional" by Magnus Lie Hetland lying around. Since Python is the language I want to make actual real projects in, I was curious. So I decided to do my homework again, in Python. This time it was six lines long.
However, I decided to take it further. The new version properly uses singular and plural English. In other words, it will say "1 hour" instead of "1 hours."
totalSeconds = input("How many seconds?")
hours = totalSeconds / 3600
remainingSeconds = totalSeconds % 3600
minutes = remainingSeconds / 60
seconds = remainingSeconds % 60
if hours == 1:
pluralHour = ""
pluralHour = "s"
if minutes == 1:
pluralMinute = ""
pluralMinute = "s"
if seconds == 1:
pluralSecond = ""
pluralSecond = "s"
print str(hours) + " hour" + str(pluralHour) + ", " + str(minutes) + " minute" + str(pluralMinute) + ", and " + str(seconds) + " second" + str(pluralSecond) + "."
So while I was doing this, she also did the exercise in Python, except she didn't want to type the singlular/plural decision into her version three times like I did. She felt it was more elegant to make one set of pluralization instructions and have Python repeat it for hours, minutes, and seconds. She cursed at the computer for a half hour and came up with the version she will post in the comments.
I do not curse at the computer. I expect coding to be painful, and have been pleasantly surprised to be proven wrong.
pain = False
if not pain:
gain = False