Nov 08, 2006 21:07
Here's a forced entry that no one will care about, save POSSIBLY Dan, to a slight degree.
A new Bad Brains live album was recently released and I just became aware of it. It was recorded at CBGB in 1982, so it's from their frantic early hardcore punk days. Although it will be interesting to listen to some live material from this early stage, I'm not sure how necessary this release. They already have four other live releases! Here's a breakdown of their releases over the last 24 years . . .
6 'proper' studio albums
5 live releases (including 1 EP)
2 early recordings/demo collections (including 1 EP)
1 remix/dub album
It's always trouble when a band's live/remix/demo albums outnumber studio albums.
Why did I write this?