Memories of 2005-2006
I did this last year and it was kind of cool, and I have pleanty of time now to do it.
Honors English II:
- the lack of mr. kraus's soul
- being barely awake
- not ever getting anything done
- making tea
- mr kraus refusing to take my vocab
- sitting in the library making up assignments
- john throwing a bottle at the door
- debating if dogs can feel pain with chris
Spanish II:
- Eating pop tarts every day
- talking to aj
- Bennington Oliver Owens!
- always being completely confused
- failing oral quizes
- going to ixtapa at the mall with aj
- being followed at the mall by Ben
- sombreros
- the QUACK videos
Intro to Engineering:
- not having anything to do
- doing all of kenny's projects
- making kenny a bike
- making a ferris wheel
- being the one who didnt get in trouble for eating in class
Honors Geometry:
- Having to sit in the front because we tried to sit in the back the first day
- josh passing in the same paper every day for a homework grade
- getting pieces of plastic spit at me
- being abused by josh
- running away from josh and sitting next to keiser
Intro to Art:
- Not liking art
- talking to jon
- stupid cover pages
- realizing it was impossible to get a 25 on a covor page
- realizing it was impossible to get a 50 on a project
- not having enough to talk about in our presentation
- ray going and asking everyone to feel our painting to stall time
US History:
- Finally having a class with ellen!
- Mr dostie posing in front of monuments
- reading the walt nate and sunday books
- mr dostie's wife gettting on the ground to take a picture of a monument
- mr dostie saying "i wont keep pausing the movie" and then kept pausing the movie
- how slow the clock could move in that class
- dragonwings...
- moonshadow...
- that movie we watched right before finals... RIGHT before...
- all of us getting gifts at the end?
Digital Electronics:
- Not doing work for the first half
- every day saying "we'll work tomorrow"
- kenny breaking things
- mr olson not showing up for 3 weeks straight
- being sent to other classrooms while he wasnt there
- finally getting a sub
- trying to make a hovercraft
- buring a fan
- kenny blowing an LED
- finishing the final!
Honors Biology:
- Same thing .... every day...
- being very confused
- singing a song with keiser
- singing a song with josh
- lights flickering during my report
- mr shumway's fatty acids!
- not being allowed to open a window because it would cost the school money
- max getting half of his body caught in a stool
- nick coming in our class randomly... even though he wasnt in our school anymore...
- forgetting homework on the first day
- disecting the rat which actually wasnt bad at all
Computer Drawing II:
- Taking to john and keiser every day
- using any excuse to get out of class
- yelling at keiser
- feeling bad for yelling at keiser
- spilling coffee on mr olsons bag
- mr olson being out for 3 weeks
- not having a teacher for 3 weeks
- our awesome powerpoint that expressed our anger
- then our real powerpoint that olson actually saw
- Keiser getting us all food!
- getting tired of chicken and motzerella sticks
- seeing ellen :D
- sitting on the floor when we had no table
- having the truancy officer say "you dont want me to fall on you... you'll NEVER be the same..."
- the last lunch with the pictures
Others (in school):
- being almost asleep every morning
- Mateo's Syndrome
- finally getting a bus driver i liked
- having the bus driver i liked get fired
- getting a new bus driver with no personality... or brain
- getting rides home
- realizing i waste 5 full days a year waiting for a bus
Others (not in school):
- Ellen :D
- The semi
- talking to ellen every night
- watching tv again
- not really playing halo anymore
- going to john's house with ellen, amanda, and aj
- movies
- trips to the mall + the petstore + the movies
- driver's ed
- me, ellen, greg, and katie attempting to go to the movies, seeing keiser, not getting seats, and going to my house
- going to the fireworks with ellen, aj, chelsea, keiser, and zach
- running to keiser's house
- never getting enough sleep
- doing my homework too late
- getting my license!
This year was awesome!
and again I might add to this later (haha sure)