...okay, I won't really unfriend anyone because of it, but seriously - (
I'm sick enough of hearing about it that I had to post a rant about how I'm annoyed by it )
Yeah, probably. I was in a bit of a hyperbolic mood when I wrote this entry.
But hearing about the dress or Laurel/Yanny is still pretty annoying even if it's not worse than hearing about the Gamergate controversy.
My friend who told me about Laurel/Yanny for the first time was like "Glad you got to see the newest thing dividing the interwebs" and I was like "I'M not glad I got to see it..."
(Seeing as you know what Gamergate is, though, I have to ask: did this entry make sense to you? Or this one asking how much sense the other one makes? Even a month later, I'm still kind of worried about how much sense these make...)
As for the yanny/laurel thing, i totally hear ya on it. I resisted from listening till last night and figured it out. The phemonemon comes from how the recording equipment picked up the guys voice and his accent. So people struggle with understanding some accents, so they hear something different being said and the recording just distorts that. Without concentraring yanny was clear in a higher tone, but concentrating i could hear laurel in a deeper, mans tone which is when i realised he has an accent :)
Yeah, it makes sense why different people would hear it differently (especially me because I have trouble understanding what people say anyway) - what doesn't make sense to me is that people would get THAT angry with each other over it. Or the dress thing. That's why I dislike hearing about these and don't think jokes about them are very funny.
From the things i've read on your journal, you have nothing to worry about. But i know that with anxiety disorders, thats just a part of it. What i would be interested in is what you're doing to help yourself :) my advice would be to focus on that more, than anything else.
Sorry that some of my posts are so intense :(
And what triggered you, like the orginal article/video was even weirder.
I'm not sure which article/video you mean because I've posted about so many over the last couple of months. Whichever one it is, I hope you don't think I'm weird :(
(I worry a lot about people thinking I'm weird...)
You're obviously a sensitive person and theres nothing wrong with that, but my concern is the fixation on things and worrying about them.
Yeah, I guess I've just been misunderstood so many times in the past (because I was WAY worse at wording back then) that I keep worrying about being misunderstood again. Especially since I still get misunderstood sometimes... just not as often as I used to.
What i would be interested in is what you're doing to help yourself :) my advice would be to focus on that more, than anything else.
I do see a counselor once every two weeks (used to be once every week but I can't anymore thanks to my work schedule). And if I get worried about something outside LJ or DW I post about it here in the hopes that someone can relate or reassure me that I have nothing to worry about.
Sometimes I do try and get off the computer sooner so I can get more sleep, but unfortunately I don't always do that because I feel like I'm so behind on fixing all the things that are broken in my old LJ/DW entries.
Hun, youre not weird, youre autistic :) as am i. I get misunderstood by people too and sometimes they get mad or a bit weird towards me, but the way i see it is that, if they know me, they can talk to me about it and come to a clear understanding. If they dont know me, then either they should try or just leave me alone. Some people are just agumentative or they look for a reason to dislike someone. Generally these people are NT, which makes it harder for people like us, because we start believing that we have done something wrong, we are the problem, when in actual fact we probably havent :) so we start doubting and berating ourselves for everything we may say or do, and it just...it makes it harder to tackle the whole day to day social side of things.
The way my autism manifests is quite interesting as it gives me the rare opportunity to see things from both sides of the gate. Where prodominently autistic people and NTs can only see from one side or more from one side (when they try to empathise or understand)
I always feel like I'm weird... probably because there's so many interests I have that are so obscure, I haven't met anyone else who's into them.
I get misunderstood by people too and sometimes they get mad or a bit weird towards me, but the way i see it is that, if they know me, they can talk to me about it and come to a clear understanding. If they dont know me, then either they should try or just leave me alone.
I wish that when people misunderstood me they'd more often try to talk to me about it to come to a better understanding instead of making assumptions and getting angry. (And yes, in the past I've also similarly made assumptions about people and gotten angry about it but I try not to do that nowadays.)
Some people are just agumentative or they look for a reason to dislike someone. Generally these people are NT
I must be the exception... yeah, I may have met some NTs who were like you described but I've also met many who have been very understanding. Whereas I've had many bad experiences in autism and asperger with people on the spectrum (though don't get me wrong, I've had many good experiences with others on the spectrum too, even in those communities) who were quite harsh to anyone with a different opinion on anything. Discussions in there always made me feel like I'm somehow a horrible person just because (to give one example) I don't like the fact that I have autism and would choose not to have autism if I could. Or that I'm a horrible person because I tried to write about my experiences with autism or my opinion on an issue and it ended up poorly-worded (because I'm not the best at wording, because I have autism - you'd think other people on the spectrum would understand that, and many times they did, but some of them didn't). :(
If that makes sense.
The way my autism manifests is quite interesting as it gives me the rare opportunity to see things from both sides of the gate.
That sounds interesting... Is it like you're autistic one day/week/month/something and NT the next? Or something different? Probably something different. (I hope the way I'm asking this isn't offensive... I'm just trying to understand what you mean.)
Maybe I'm an idealist or something. I dunno.
Okay, sweetheart, no one is getting hurt over it. Its all okay. No one is really that mad, it may sound it or seem like it from what they may say. But people LOOOOVE to exaggerate things. Like if a person says 'im gonna kill that guy!' It doesnt actually mean hes gonna kill him or even that hes angry. Theyre just being dramatic. I know, it doesnt make sense and it has no logic. Welcome to the NT world - and they think autistic people are weird(!) From what ive seen and experienced - theyre the weird ones!
I know it doesn't actually mean the former, and I sure hope it doesn't actually mean the latter either.
Welcome to the NT world - and they think autistic people are weird(!) From what ive seen and experienced - theyre the weird ones!
From what I've experienced... neither side is really weirder than the other as a whole. I've seen plenty of people (both NTs and autistic) get upset with each other over misunderstandings or trivial things or a difference of opinion (on anything from politics to favorite sports teams to "is this video game character a good guy or a bad guy?"), so I don't really like blanket generalizations about autistic people or NTs - I don't like either side as a whole being labeled as jerks based on the actions of a few.
However, I still feel like I'm weird just because of how different I am from everyone - both NTs and other people on the spectrum. :(
(And even if people who seem to get upset with each other over differences of opinion are joking about it or not really upset, well, those still aren't conversations I particularly enjoy. And that's part of why I've don't often feel like I completely fit in any group - with NTs, people on the spectrum, or both.)
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