Why I'll never be able to finish-- Wait, what??

Sep 23, 2017 20:54

Not only have I still only went through and fixed 265 entries, I just now fixed the first one (I think) that had userpics in the body of the entry. Turns out in that entry, they were showing up to begin with even though the URL hadn't been changed to https yet, but that still wasn't enough to--

...Wait. I had userpics in the body of an entry, and they still had http in the URL, and they were showing up anyway?!?!

*checks the "list of userpics in order added post" where all the images were broken for a while because they had http in the URL, and indeed, now they're showing up again too*

YAY!! At some point LiveJournal finally fixed the issue of userpics not showing up in the body of entries, and now I don't have to edit thousands of entries just to make entries that have userpics in the body look presentable!! THANK YOU!!

*continues looking through old entries anyway, because there are still other things in them I want to fix, especially on DW, and I figure I still might as well do that now since I already have the motivation... but at least it's slightly less hopeless now!*

video game music, nintendo 3ds, http, kid icarus: uprising, public entries, https, livejournal, urls, video games, lj userpics, broken images, kid icarus, nintendo, dreamwidth, dw entries, editing, motivation, userpics, 265, lj entries

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