Back to the... present

Sep 02, 2017 22:49

Well, August is over, so that means Matt1993 Nostalgia Month is over - so I changed my LJ and DW styles and userpics back to what they usually look like. (If you met me during Matt1993 Nostalgia Month and therefore don't know what I'm talking about, see this entry, or see it on DreamWidth, and then maybe see a few entries after it.)

If you do know what I'm talking about, you're probably thinking: "Waaait a minute, there's still something here that looks different from what I remember... Sure, the background went back to yellow or other yellow and Anya, Noma, Ricky, and blushy guy went back to not being as badly-drawn, but something is-- Wait, are these MY thoughts that are showing up in this entry?! Is this dork's journal reading my mind?!? I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100. It's 47. Okay, that's just scary. I'd better not start thinking about my darkest secret..."

And to all that, I say:

1) Um, the "blushy guy" is me. And the other three are Enya, Roma, and Nicky - it says so right there on the userpic. Speaking of which...

2) Yes, remember how I asked whether or not some of my userpics are legible enough and then tried to make more legible versions of some of them? But never got around to uploading those as userpics?

No, of course you don't remember, because that was years before I met at least half of you, and it's been so long that those of you who were around for it probably forgot all about it. So to refresh your memory:


Anyway... I finally got around to that - or at least, I hope I updated all the ones I meant to! Four or three years later. I still haven't even updated my sticky "list of userpics in order added" post to include these updated versions OR the 2009-style versions (retroactive or not) - or any versions of my userpics besides "what they normally looked like from late 2009 to the first half of 2017". And due to a glitch on LJ, now not even those will show up in that entry again until I edit all of the image URLs to have "https://" instead of "http://" :( *

I guess that makes me the Enya of userpic updating... But hey, I finally finished one thing I started, at least! :)

3) Don't worry, your darkest secret is safe with me. I make no guarantees about your second-darkest secret though! :P

Now to go edit every entry and comment I ever made to fix all the userpics that are broken now. :(

*They need to call HTTPS something different - I keep wanting to use that as the plural of "http". "I need to change all the https to https!" ;)

celebrities, memory, celebrity crushes, http, sprites, public entries, roma ryan, livejournal, forgetfulness, images, august, lj userpics, giants, procrastination, dreamwidth, september, editing, matt1993 nostalgia month, 100, drawing, crossovers, mind reading, super smash bros., back to the future, anachronisms, legibility, anya, dw userpics, 2017, sticky entries, 47, grammar, 2013, https, 8, 2009, numbers, nostalgia, urls, super nintendo, 3, broken images, 9, backwards music, 1, yellow, enya, secrets, 2, glitches, mario, plurals, 4, userpics, crushes, 2014, nicky ryan, 206

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