So, as I vaguely said in my previous entry, I still haven't even started making a remake of PrtSc Land even though I'd always said I wanted to starting on the 10th or 12th or 15th or (some other nice number)th anniversary of it - and I'd always been hoping that it would be the tenth anniversary, specifically.
But there is one way I thought of to celebrate it, or at least celebrate the date August 12, 2006 itself: by posting the strips that several comics BESIDES mine happened to run on that date or the nearest date possible! In roughly the order that I first became interested in each of these comics!
Garfield strip from August 12, 2006:
Okay, so Homestar Runner isn't a comic, but I'm gonna include it anyway. The H*R toon from August 14, 2006 (since there wasn't one between August 11-13, 2006) was
No Hands On Deck! xkcd strip from August 11, 2006:
Dinosaur Comic from August 10, 2006: (
The next strip was on the 14th, so both are equally close to the 12th, but I picked the one with the Mario reference.)
Even though mezzacotta didn't actually exist until
October 10, 2008, the backdated strip for August 12, 2006 doubles as a surprisingly accurate summary of PrtSc Land:
Irregular Webcomic! strip from August 12, 2006:
Since IWC has so many different themes, I'm also going to put in links to honorable mentions - the strips closest to August 12, 2006 in every theme except this one.
Me - 8-13-06Fantasy -
8-10-06 and
8-14-06Steve and Terry - 8-16-06Space - 8-11-06Cliffhangers - 8-9-06Miscellaneous - 9-3-06Star Wars - 7-26-06Supers - 7-18-06Martians - 7-31-06Pirates - 10-11-06Harry Potter - 4-27-06Nigerian Finance Minister - 9-25-06Death - 8-16-06Espionage - 8-25-06Imperial Rome - 9-15-06Mythbusters - 8-7-06 Casey and Andy strip from August 7, 2006:
(part of the last story arc, which starts at
this one)
Fun fact: In a strange coincidence, C&A went on hiatus right before I started the first version of PrtSc Land (not that anyone could've known at the time, since I didn't know about C&A yet and the first version of PSL wasn't online). C&A also ended thirteen days after the online version of PSL ended (not that I knew THAT at the time, either).
Ctrl+Alt+Del strip from August 12, 2006:
Terror Island strip from August 11, 2006 (even though the page says the 10th):
8-Bit Theater strip from August 12, 2006:
Tiny Ghosts strip from August 13, 2006:
Toothpaste For Dinner strip from August 12, 2006:
Natalie Dee strip from August 12, 2006:
Bob the Angry Flower strip from August 11, 2006:
Penny Arcade strip from August 11, 2006:
Married To The Sea strip from August 12, 2006: