Thought of another way to celebrate the 10th anniversary of PrtSc Land!

Aug 12, 2016 22:06

So, as I vaguely said in my previous entry, I still haven't even started making a remake of PrtSc Land even though I'd always said I wanted to starting on the 10th or 12th or 15th or (some other nice number)th anniversary of it - and I'd always been hoping that it would be the tenth anniversary, specifically.

But there is one way I thought of to celebrate it, or at least celebrate the date August 12, 2006 itself: by posting the strips that several comics BESIDES mine happened to run on that date or the nearest date possible! In roughly the order that I first became interested in each of these comics!

Garfield strip from August 12, 2006:

Okay, so Homestar Runner isn't a comic, but I'm gonna include it anyway. The H*R toon from August 14, 2006 (since there wasn't one between August 11-13, 2006) was No Hands On Deck!

xkcd strip from August 11, 2006:

Dinosaur Comic from August 10, 2006: (The next strip was on the 14th, so both are equally close to the 12th, but I picked the one with the Mario reference.)

Even though mezzacotta didn't actually exist until October 10, 2008, the backdated strip for August 12, 2006 doubles as a surprisingly accurate summary of PrtSc Land:

Irregular Webcomic! strip from August 12, 2006:

Since IWC has so many different themes, I'm also going to put in links to honorable mentions - the strips closest to August 12, 2006 in every theme except this one.
Me - 8-13-06
Fantasy - 8-10-06 and 8-14-06
Steve and Terry - 8-16-06
Space - 8-11-06
Cliffhangers - 8-9-06
Miscellaneous - 9-3-06
Star Wars - 7-26-06
Supers - 7-18-06
Martians - 7-31-06
Pirates - 10-11-06
Harry Potter - 4-27-06
Nigerian Finance Minister - 9-25-06
Death - 8-16-06
Espionage - 8-25-06
Imperial Rome - 9-15-06
Mythbusters - 8-7-06

Casey and Andy strip from August 7, 2006:

(part of the last story arc, which starts at this one)

Fun fact: In a strange coincidence, C&A went on hiatus right before I started the first version of PrtSc Land (not that anyone could've known at the time, since I didn't know about C&A yet and the first version of PSL wasn't online). C&A also ended thirteen days after the online version of PSL ended (not that I knew THAT at the time, either).

Ctrl+Alt+Del strip from August 12, 2006:

Terror Island strip from August 11, 2006 (even though the page says the 10th):

8-Bit Theater strip from August 12, 2006:

Tiny Ghosts strip from August 13, 2006:

Toothpaste For Dinner strip from August 12, 2006:

Natalie Dee strip from August 12, 2006:

Bob the Angry Flower strip from August 11, 2006:

Penny Arcade strip from August 11, 2006:

Married To The Sea strip from August 12, 2006:

yoshi, jame, spelling bees, york, 15, casey & andy, 11, loren ipsum, august, terror island, salt, mezzacotta, 14, tiny ghosts, time travel, 8-bit theater, t-rex, hell, garfield, chicken, turtles, insanity, 810, eliza, 10, 825, repost buttons, 807, zombies, 25, 7, 811, jon, screenshots, nachos, natalie dee, quantum cop, october, ctrl+alt+del, utahraptor, 2008, public entries, dinosaur comics, black mage, irregular webcomic!, married to the sea, video games, homestar runner, harry potter, 12, devil, xkcd, dromiceiomimus, words, webcomics, casey grimm, cueball, hiatus, super mario world, toothpaste for dinner, 814, jenn brozek, 8, 2016, dates, chips, nostalgia, super nintendo, penny arcade, 2006, shakespeare, prtsc land, cheese, 1010, ophelia, fighter, mario, liz, andy weir, summer, 812, red mage, comics

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