Decided it was time to update the blurb on my journal's sidebar now that I'm able to move past my worry sometimes. (But not enough that I'm not still waiting desperately for comments on certain entries...)
Anyway, the blurb was previously:
Ever since what I've taken to calling "the Forbidden Comment Threads", which were arguments in
asperger that happened in 2011, I've been afraid that everything I say on LJ could easily be misinterpreted and make everyone hate me and that the threads themselves would eventually get so out of hand that everyone who had an opinion about them would automatically hate anyone with a different opinion.
Thankfully, that has yet to actually happen... but more recently (2014), I discovered a DIFFERENT set of arguments (I'll call them "the Forbidden Comment Threads Ω" for now, despite the existence of a term for them already) that appear to be much more widespread and seem to ALREADY be exactly what I thought the "original" Forbidden Comment Threads would become... O___O
Basically, I'm just a guy who's lately been feeling that ANYTHING he says about ANYTHING could easily become controversial...
And since it's been a while since I've read Square Root of Minus Garfield, I decided to change some of the text in my journal style to reference
this instead. :)
Yay for a tiny bit of productivity on LiveJournal! And yay for a public entry!