I understand that it's a way of celebrating the revolution, but who names their daughter Facebook? I'd understand if an Egyptian business, an Egyptian city, or to a lesser extent, Egypt itself were renamed Facebook, but a person? Won't that just make it harder for her to understand what Facebook (the site) is? After all,
I'd never heard of HAZMAT before I watched the Strong Bad E-mail
couch patch, so I used to think that the text on The Poopsmith's "HAS MATT?" uniform might somehow read from the currently logged-in user's username on the computer (despite the fact that I think I was just "default" or "owner" or something on that computer) and thus show up as "HAS JENNIFER?" or "HAS JENN?" for
pathvain_aelien and so on; therefore, I can only imagine how bad such misconceptions would be for someone with the name Facebook.