TITLE: Educating the Kelownan, part 3
SUMMARY: Ever since the events in Nightwalkers (Season 6), Jonas Quinn has been asking Sam to teach him the arts of astrophysics, motorbike riding and lock-picking. Today, Sam’s giving a practical demonstration in lock-picking, using a certain person’s front door.
DISCLAIMER: Characters belong to MGM et al.
NOTE: This is for the
sg_rarepairings ficathon. This is for
skydiver119, who wanted to see Sam/Jonas friendship. My beta thinks there’s a bit of Sam/Jack bias in there, which is probably a subconscious thing on my part since they’re my main pairing in SG-1 fandom.
Note 2: Thanks to Allie for the beta. Thanks also to Jen, who found a completely unrelated scene for me online which helped inspire this.
Note 3: No, you didn’t miss parts 1 & 2!
Ever since their trip to Steveston, Jonas had been bugging Sam about learning to pick locks. Actually, he’d been asking her about astrophysics and motorbike riding as well. She’d satisfied his curious about bikes with a quick trip to Garden of the Gods one sunny afternoon, although he had asked to go on an extended trip at a later date. The astrophysics he’d been learning by simply spending time in her lab and asking questions.
She had, however, put off the lock picking for as long as possible. After all, it wasn’t exactly legal. General Hammond and Colonel O’Neill tended to turn a blind eye in certain circumstances, but she wasn’t sure how well they’d take to the Kelownan refugee being taught her tricks.
But her new friend had a persuasive style, and eventually Sam gave in. She chose a time when SG-1 didn’t have any missions lined up for two weeks, and gave Jonas a couple of websites to research. It hadn’t taken him long to absorb the knowledge he found online, and now it was time to walk him through an actual demonstration.
Her first idea had been to bring him to her home and use her front door. But the lock had developed a nasty habit of sticking and she needed something easier. One place came to mind.
She parked her car a block away and gestured to Jonas that they would be adopting a stealth mode. While she had a good feeling that the home owner was out of town, there was no point in alerting his neighbors to the possibility of a break-in. It could be extremely awkward to explain.
“Okay,” Sam began quietly as they hurried up the short path to the split level building, "the trick is to visualize the inside of the locking mechanism...”
Jonas nodded and grinned. “And to select the right pick.”
“Right.” Her voice dropped further in volume. “But sometimes you won’t have a choice in what’s available.”
The Kelownan looked at her. “Why are you whispering?” he asked, although his voice had dropped to the same hushed level.
“Do we really want to alert the neighbors?”
Jonas smirked. “I guess not.”
“And I really don’t want to have to explain this to Colonel O’Neill and General Hammond.”
Jonas paled. “What do you think they’d say?”
She shook her head. “I don’t want to think about it, and right now, you need to focus on the task at hand.”
“Visualizing the inside of the mechanism.”
“And then picture the tumblers. Remember the diagrams I showed you earlier?” It was a foolish question. Of course he remembered. Jonas could remember pretty much everything he saw, thanks to his eidetic memory.
Sam leaned in close to the solid wood door. She’d studied the target for some time and felt sure she could give Jonas a decent demonstration. Pulling a pick from the set she carried in her pocket, she began to play with the lock. After a few seconds, there was an audible click and Sam stepped back in satisfaction. “There,” she announced proudly with a smile.
The door swung open, and Sam’s smile faltered before disappearing completely. “Sir!” she gasped, subconsciously altering her posture to a more military stance.
“Carter,” the man on the other side of the open door acknowledged with a nod of his gray-haired head. “Jonas.”
“Colonel O’Neill!” Jonas exclaimed, his face turning white. “What are you doing here?”
“This is my house, Jonas. What are YOU doing here?”
“Sam was showing me how to pick a lock.” With Jonas, honesty was one of his best policies. But Sam wanted to sink into the ground at that point.
“And for this you needed my house, Carter?”
“I didn’t think you’d be home, Sir,” she replied. At this point, she was uncertain as to her commanding officer’s feelings. One thing she did know, there were only a few more moments in her life more awkward than this. Breaking into his house was one thing; he being home at the time had never been part of the plan. She’d counted on him being at his cabin.
Another thought struck her. Since he was at home, why was his door locked? He only ever locked his door if he was going out of town. Unless he’d known they’d be coming by his house... She didn’t know whether or not she wanted to embarrass herself further by asking about that.
“Why not use your own front door?”
Sam took a deep breath and a big chance. “Why would I want to break into my own home, Sir?”
“In case you ever forget your key?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“You never know,” she replied, tempting fate with her flippant tone. If the Colonel could do sarcastic in a time of trouble, so could she.
“Colonel O’Neill, this is my fault. I’m sorry.” Two pairs of eyes turned toward Jonas. “I wanted Sam to teach me how to pick locks. I had no idea that this was your home. I can assure you there was definitely nothing malicious intended by my request.” He shook his head. “None whatsoever.”
Sam bit back a smile. Jonas was so sincere in nearly everything he did or said. Sometimes it was a real challenge just getting him to lighten up, although lately that had been improving. But the guy had done so much to prove he was worthy of remaining at the SGC, let alone a member of SG-1. She only hoped the Colonel wouldn’t look upon the young man too badly. Colonel O’Neill had high standards. That thought alone made her feel guilty over Jonas’ confession.
“I didn’t have to bring you here,” she said to Jonas before turning back to her commanding officer. “I’m at fault here, Sir, and I’m sorry.”
The older man shrugged. “Yes, well, never mind.” He stepped aside and gestured. “You’re here now. Come in.”
Jonas was willing to accept the offer at face value, but Sam was a little more hesitant. “Are you sure, Sir?”
His eyes gleamed and Sam knew something bad was coming. “Of course I am. After all, The Simpsons are about to start.” He turned and headed down the steps to his living room.
As Jonas crossed the threshold he looked back at Sam in confusion. “The Simpsons?”
Sam nodded. “They’re some of the Colonel’s favorite people.”
Jonas paled. “He has visitors?” He rushed off after the older man.
As she closed the door behind her, Sam could hear the conversation that ensued. Colonel O’Neill laughed when Jonas apologized once again. Once he was informed that Homer and Marge were television characters, the Kelownan started innocently asking questions about them. Poor guy, she thought. He might know more about lock picking now, but he had still had a long way to go before he understood Colonel O’Neill.
She only hoped he wouldn’t be asking for lessons in that as well.