i have strep throat. i thought i just had a cold before, but when i went into the doctor today and had my throat cultured i find out that it was more than that. I now have some odd translucent half blue half green pills to take and prescription cough medicine. while waiting for the prescription to be ready today however i had some fun in walgreens. i ended up getting some vanilla malted milkballs, candy canes, the new mountain dew energy drink and two of the mini scoops ice creams...moosetracks and strawberry cheesecake. scoops are incredible..they're basically mini cartons of ice cream selling for just a little over $1.
very enjoyable. i'm eating some of the strawberry cheesecake now. it kinda tastes like if strawberry space ice cream was actually normal ice cream... if that makes sense. oh space ice cream, that shit is bananas. it's too expensive though. but i guess really it isn't exactly easy to freeze ice cream to -40 degrees and then place it in a vacuum and seal it air tighly. unless if they have space ice cream robots and they probably do. this world is crazy sometimes. imagine if we all still were cavepeople and hit things with clubs all day. but then someone invented the wheel and discovered fire and ook at where we are now. i kinda really want it to be the 80s sometimes. 1985. i would be so new wave it'd be redunk. or maybe goth..but cool cure goth, not like H.I.M or any of those those weirdos today. yeah, knowing what i know now i could make the 80s rock like a hurricane. take on me? take me on.