I'm not supposed to be infront of this computer fangirling the boys but I can't help it. One more chapter of Marriage and Family will make me faint. Sheesh everything is coming all at once right now. I know what I'm supposed to do, know when they are due but because of this load... seriously, I'm confused of where to begin.
Next week is the official start of Preliminary Examinations that would account for 50% of our Final Grade. The schedule's out and its totally bogus!
Monday - 8/17
Marriage and Family (8-9 am)
Internet Marketing (10-11 am)
Wednesday - 8/19
Research (9-10am)
Thursday - 8/20
Business Communication (9-10am)
Saturday - 8/22
Pricing (12-1 pm)
Retail Management (130-230 pm)
Hmm.... So technically the first and last day would completely suck. I do hope I'd be able to reach a satisfactory grade. My class is kind of competitive and I want and have to keep up. So anyway, other than preliminary exams coming up... my mind is also being taken over by FEASIBILITY anxiety. We have to finish fixing our techinical plan so we can start doing our financial plan due on the 3rd of September. Now that I think about it, our class is kind of advance since other classes just finished their market plan today and defense is starting by the end of September. I wonder how they'll catch up.
On the lighter side... wee~ I think I have become a fangirl of V6... Especially Miyake Ken and Okada Junichi... haha~ I have a classmate in the uni that's an eito fan and she's intorducing me to Korean pop music, well anyway... I really have issues with Kpop... not that I hate it... I just really prefer and my ears have become accustomed to Jpop... As I was saying... she had me watch V6's Utao Utao... and I was going kyaa~ over Miyake Ken.. ahaha... he's so cute~
kat_desu even said that he was V6's NInomiya Kazunari...
UWAAA~ speaking of which, I was able to watch today's VS Arashi!~ Babyama and Babychii was their with Arashi and 2 other guests I failed to notice... but anyway... I totally love it... Sho's close up during the jumping shooter was totally kawaii~~ Aibaby was mean and cute and really competitive~... Junjun was scaring Babyama and he looks totally hot while removing his rings~~... Riida even knelt before Babyamachii... Oh~ Babyama fail is awesomely kawaii~~ hahaha~ I wanted to hug him after Aibaby came mocking him and his hairsprayed hair. Kazunii's fail during the rolling coin tower was totally cute to... .and if you notice his cap... it says "I CAN MAKE IT ALL" which totally reminded me of my exams again. Hmmm.. what else is there?? Oh yeah... haha... Babychii vs Kazunii... wahaha~ kawaii~ Everyone is really convinced that Babychii is head over heels in love with Riida~~
Hmmm.. I wonder if I should start studying now... maybe I should ne? Uwaa~~ I just remembered that I have to master CSS soon... Sheesh~~ I never had any plans of making my own website so why should I even bother studying this... oh yeah... Grades...
Grades... They say it's only a number... yet if it is just a number... why does it totally affect what you're life's gonne be?? work and everything else I mean...
I'm totally hooked to Paulo Coelho right now and I just finished his 11 minutes and am now in the middle of The Devil and Ms. Prym... I loved 11 minutes though it's kind of R-18 it's sweet and it's really well written. Now, I'm really interested in TD&MP... Good vs Evil... Is Greed really the source of every evil??? Coolness...
Okay.. I'm blabbering now... I really have to shut up. Sorry.. I wasn't really in the mood for an LJ cut. so there. On for a semi - hiatus...
I can make it! ((uwaa~~ should I be ordering my concert goods now? Or should just wait until the September concerts?? Really... Arashi's making fan girls poor but happy))