Thu, 22:09: RT @ KlarLitao: And I swear I will hold a grudge on those who give way too much Harry Potter 7.2 spoilers on social networking sites.
Fri, 05:02: Was supposed to wake up at 4 to study. Oh well, I still have time. G'morning!
Fri, 06:04: Realized that my birthday falls on #junstyle day. . . I think I want him to greet me on my special day. Haha
Fri, 06:39: RT @ SakumotoFacts: #Whenihavekids, I'll tell them that their bushy browed father left me for mr. sloping shoulders and i didn't mind at all!
Fri, 06:45: Why yes, I'm fully aware that I'm screwed for later. :'( /ihatepedianursing