Welcome to the SJ love world!

Feb 06, 2010 16:45

Seems that in SJ world love is gonna be quite strong this year.

Thanks to my sheep for pointing me out this pic in March 2010 Wu's issue <3

credit to the pic to Pornvilai@LJ and suoncom

sort of translation:

「The opening talk ended, while waiting for Falling Pipes filming, Matsujun isn't in the studio. Then Sho starts looking around by saying "Macchan isn't here, Macchan isn't here". A new nickname for Matsujun has been born.」
Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa so cute!! Again calling him Macchan!! Like when they were juniors, and also in that Shuku <3. But the article is wrong, isn't a new nickname, but the oldest Matsujun had.

Well seems that people wanna me to update both Vox and LJ, okay i'll do it, now one HQ file for my friends at LJ ^^

translation, sj, pic

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