Title: Lie to me
MatsuAurorePairings: Ohmiya, Junba
Genre: Au, drama, romance, angst, psychology
Summary: Nino is a doctor. His specialty? Finding the lies in the criminal's eyes and their behavior. Nobody can lie to him but one day, Nino discovers that maybe there is one person able to read him as an open book and can beat him on his specialty. Now
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Comments 56
nino va bien le martyriser dans le prochain chap, le soucis, c'est qu'ohchan va pas se laisser faire et lui rendre la monnaie de sa pièce xD tout ça va finir par partir en cacahuète si ils ne se décident pas à coucher ensemble xD enfin ça par en cacahuète dans le chap 7, je l'écrit trop à l'envers cette fic, j'ai casi fini le dernier chap mais je réécris les chap précédents quand ça me convient plus xD
wait with patience for the next chapter ;) merci pour le com :)
ps/ tu comprends pk je pouvais pas te donner la preview de celui-ci, parce qu'ils couchaient pas ensemble finalement xD
it's not a hot smutty chapter but it's so sweet and funny..
I love ohmiya here!!!! (>________<)
thanks for updating... ^_____^
go oh-chaaaan!!! i'm so in love with ohno in this series xD gosh.....
and satopi x3 oh nino, don't try to deny your desire of him x9
and poor ninooo.... you can talk about it with him... he will kiss your problems away~
jun being cute too x3x
thanks for writing!! you should have seen my face when i saw that you have updated this X9 (maybe it's a good thing that you didn't see)
(even i could think how did my eyes look that time... the flash...)
well then, i will learn to be patience then! >x)
was it sweet? well you're welcome then x3
yes, sorry, you have to patient :D
I loved their interactions in this chapter :D Especially at the end!!! That kiss, OMG!!!
Now I wanna know what happened to Nino... it's intriguing~
Ah! I loved this line: This man was just too weird. If he didn't exist, we would have to create him
xDDDDD I laughed out loud when I read it.
Thanks very much for the update ^___^ I can't wait for next chapter~
yes, we use this expression a lot in France, when someone is very funny xD
thank you for reading and commenting dear :)
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