Title: A broken promise
Sakudada <3
Pairing: Yama
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Au, drama, angst, romance
Disclaimer: Sho owns Ohchan xD
Summary: You were alone, you were so sad. Everybody thought nothing could touch you but they were wrong. You were the only one who was able to read people's heart and understand them when they just said you were
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Comments 10
what a cruel people they are..
and yes sho, they deserve to be punished...
did you really need to kill them by yourself??
hope it doesn't give you another problem...
seem like another chap will be angst ne~~~~ ^^
I'm waiting for the next story^^
thanks for sharing^^
Poor O-chan. I'm glad he has Sho now. Hope Sho can help him get over this nightmare.
I wonder what Sho is going to do.
poor my ichiban T^T
your welcome^^
I'm waiting for the sequel^^
Déjà que son père le battait, alors si en plus il le violait ... Quelle horreur ! Pauvre Toshi, il a tellement souffert toutes ces années ... Heureusement qu'il a trouvé Sho ^^.
Mais je sais pas si c'est une très bonne idée pour Sho d'aller trouver les 2 hommes ... surtout avec un flingue ... Je veux pas qu'il lui arrive des bricoles non plus. Ok, il est en colère et il y a de quoi ! Je comprend très bien qu'il est envie de tués ces salopards (parce que moi aussi !) mais j'ai peur que ça lui retombe dessus après ...
Hâte de lire la suite !!
Gros bisous !
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