Title: Icarus, in Love Fandom: 2PM, Wooyoung, Chansung Rating: G Summary: "What did the sun think as Icarus fell to his death?" Notes: thanks to solesakuma and essyllus for the beta and help :)
This is absolutely lovely <33 I'm impressed that so much can be said in such little space and length. The dialogue between them is meaningful, and so heartbreaking. Lovely work ^^
i love how subtle this is ♥ some parts that i really, really liked: A gentle breeze ran through his hair, and he felt himself leaning with the wind. He kept his feet on the concrete, locking his knees and gripping the floor with curled toes and Chansung wrapped his arms tighter around Wooyoung's waist, as if he could contain him with raw strength and will.
ah, I'm so flattered at your comment! Especially since I really liked the fic you just posted :) That last line is one of my favorites, too! Thanks so much for your comment, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!
How tragic the tale of Icarus that it captures the vulnerability of their relationship. Stunningly beautiful, that they may fall because of fragile wings of vanity and wax. Less than 3 this story!
haha I had to stop and think for a good five minutes before I understood 'less than 3' /fail
Icarus is one of those stories that can be interpreted in so many ways, and I am glad that I didn't butcher it too much. Thanks for reading, and glad you enjoyed :)
ahhh i really, really love this. especially Wooyoung leaned forward against Chansung's restraining arms, pressing their combined weights against the thin railing between safety and a two-story free fall. ♥
Comments 24
I'm impressed that so much can be said in such little space and length. The dialogue between them is meaningful, and so heartbreaking.
Lovely work ^^
its subtle, soft and really beautiful
thanks for the fab read
Icarus is one of those stories that can be interpreted in so many ways, and I am glad that I didn't butcher it too much. Thanks for reading, and glad you enjoyed :)
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