Oh I just forgot! I wanted to share with my simple gifs ^^
Here we go!
the CUTEST solo in the world! EVER! =D>
TokioDome, Himitsu+Nino = <3
Please clic
here and
here Second.
Iza, Now. MC part. Do you know "akirashoked!" from Nobuta wo produce?.. Well... Let me show you ninoshoked XD... the cutes shoked <3 Ever! click
hereAnd Iza's MC part too. Omiya rabu. You can touch it. Really. <3
And here Iza is too. Juntoshi. Oh, Jun... kowai *_*
And third. Random
I don't know which Shukudai's ep it is. BUT.
It's just MAXIMUM RABU. Nino... do it again, please *_* clic
here Aiba is hentai. Yeah, I knew it! X'D When Captain punishs him... I want do it too X'D
look at this
Aiba kisses Captain... rabu \(>3<)/
here well... it's the end... now))