I have insomnia! It is 6:20am...not TOO far from my normal bedtime of 2am-4am (my favorite part of working 3pm-midnight), but far enough that I'm gonna regret it tomorrow. I'm sure I'll get tired...soon...but it's gonna be hard to sleep, with the day star out and some loud birds singing.
Oh, hello LJ. :) *blows dust off cover*
Not much new news...I still slave for Intel. I can't believe that I have lived in Oregon for 2 1/2 years now!! I just moved to ANOTHER new place, this time a townhouse. It is by far the nicest place that I have rented. Unfortunately...I am still renting. I managed to screw my credit pretty badly (I'm not LATE on anything...but the credit card debt is astronomical) so no bank in their right mind would give me a mortgage. I have a very difficult time sticking to a budget, but I'm gonna try again.
I am working to finish my Masters degree, one class at a time. Intel is paying for it. Not counting the class that I am enrolled in this summer, I have only 3 credit hours to go! Woot! The scary part is that Boise State (most of my graduate credit hours were with them, so I'm transferring the remaining credits back there) required a "comprehensive exam" since I'm not doing a thesis. This exam would cover everything that I learned as a grad student. Crap...I forgot most of it right after I walked out of finals. I'm trying to get a hold of some professors to get an idea about what I need to study (ie...relearn).
Completing my Masters will make me much more marketable. I'm pretty convinced that my current job is a dead-end position - no upward (or sideways!) mobility. However, starting in a couple weeks, I am being allowed to work a compressed work week - very rare for an engineer who is not paid hourly! I will work every other Wednesday, then Thursday through Saturday 13 hour days (includes an hour lunch in there). So I will have 3 and 4 day weekends. Bwahaha. Not bad, considering that I work over 10 hour days regularly, plus some weekends. Of course, my manager made it known that he reserves the right to call me in on my days off. *rolls eyes*
Jess...are you still without a can opener??? If so I will send you one...wish I could help in the recipe department, but I mostly eat stuff out of cardboard boxes and pouches that just needs to be hydrated.
I followed a great link off of somebody's yahoo profile the other day. Stop reading if you are easily offended. (Ha...not likely considering my friends list!) Have you guys seen:
http://www.divine-interventions.com/ ROTFL. The product descriptions are especially pun-arific. =D
This picture was on one of the visitor comments:
(I am not a paying member of LJ so I need to stick the pic on a webpage and link to it. Currently geocities AND yahoo seem to be down, so I'll edit this post later with the pic.)
Ah...google has some image-sharing thingy too. What a pain. Not enough of a pain to pay LJ $150 for lifetime membership, though. ;)