Nov 12, 2007 22:10
...i crashed when i got home today. i couldn't get out of bed to go visit Husbeast and go to the Stamp Man on east 13th street (beest needed a custom stamp for work). i did not purchase bok choy. i did not excercise. in fact, dinner was a slice of sourdough bread and the rest of the head of broccoli i was saving for tomorrow's lunch, dipped in the leftover balsamic/garlic salt/chili powder mix from today's lunch.. now i am out of broccoli and in despair.
i know it is the cold weather. i KNOW it is the cold weather. i tried so hard to prep for it this year, but it looks like unless i do something drastic the stupid stupid stupid seasonal affected disorder is going to kick my ass yet again. the only thing that can cheer me up is a positive job interview tomorrow.
i am going to go sit under my blankets with my broccoli and try to start embroidering that satin. i found a beautiful rose pattern which I will give links to when I determine its viability. they are calling it a "tudor" cross-stitch and claim to have scored it from a documented Tudor-era dress. if i finish it i will post it here.