on the subject of the whole "date-rape beads"

Nov 08, 2007 22:40

listen, people, if the toy says "Not recommended for Children under 3 yrs of age" on the packaging, it's the parents' damned faults. srsly. when i was 3 i was given a set of "Pop-Beads" that were not much larger than these dots. guess how many i ate?! my parents taught me not to eat non-food items. duuuuuh.
anyone who leaves their two year old alone with age-inappropriate toys should be charged with murder and quit blaming the manufacturers. oh, maybe, just maybe they could NOT purchase mindless plastic toys for their kids. when i was little, cornstarch, water and food coloring made awesome moldable "slime" that was nontoxic and fun to smush. does anyone else remember coke-bottle "volcanos" and homemade "silly putty?" NONTOXIC, motherfuckers.
there will be more later.
A Bit Later: ganked from matthias -
Invent a memory of me and post it in the comments. It can be anything you want, so long as it's something that's never happened. Then, of course, post this to your journal [if you like] and see what people would like to remember of you, only the universe failed to cooperate in making it happen so they had to make it up instead.
Later: i dare that bitch in my office to say word one about my tomato. in honor of a girl who walks the hallways sniffing outside people's offices demanding to know if they're eating, i have made this icon:

i am sure Mr. Cash would agree.
Much Later: Well, working on my Addams Family Fic has given me this urge to embroider on satin for nefarious purposes. A How-To to save my fingertips.
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