Apr 11, 2007 11:38
Okay, so this is mostly for myself. Things to do before summer:
-- Abnormal Psych Akeret Moodle Posting....due 4/18
-- Psych Women & Gender HW #3...due 4/19 [DONE]
-- Horticulture 10 minute Oral Presentation on earthworms...presentations start 4/24 [Outline due 4/17 if I want it reviewed]
-- Horticulture Lab Quiz #3...4/24
-- Abnormal Psych Evidence-Based Psychotherapy Treatment Plan (8-12 pages)...due 4/25 [This is the hardest one...subject?!?!?]
-- Psych Women & Gender 5 Moodle postings...due 5/1 [Need to write one more]
-- Economic Botany Term Paper on Coffee...due 5/2
-- Horticulture Lab Order of Bloom...due 5/3
-- Psych Women & Gender 3rd Exam...due by 5/3
-- Psych Women & Gender extra credit..due by 5/3 [Your hatred of multiple choice questions about women makes this a necessity, dooo itttt]
-- Abnormal Psych Final Exam (Self-Scheduled)...during finals period sometime 5/8-5/11
-- Economic Botany Final...during finals 5/8-5/11
-- Horticulture Final Exam...during finals 5/8-5/11 [Going to kick my ass, cumulative of the whole year, so many study groups needed]
-- I'M FREE MUFUGGAAHZZZ!!!!1!1!11!one
I'm not sure if that makes me feel better or worse. At least I know when everything is due now. The end is in sight (kind of)! I'm most anxious about my Psych paper since I have no idea who I'm going to write it on, whether I'm going to make something up or what because I don't remember many case studies from class. What are the rest of you in Abnormal doing?
Now I really need to motivate myself to work during the week since I'm going to be gone a large portion of the next two weekends. Need to get into paper writing modeeeee. The downside of being in all science-y classes this semester is that I'm not already busting out a paper every couple weeks so I have to get back into the "zone," if you will. Ummmm, yeah. I really need to start researching earthwormsssssss.
Also, I REALLY REALLY need to e-mail my Horticulture professor and ask him about the Bio minor since he's the only one I think could potentially be an adviser figure for me since Rob Nicholson isn't really a professor? Ahhh. Intimidatedddd. I'll do that eventually. No, soon. For realz. Need to figure out all my study abroad paperworkkkkk. Bahhhh.
So what's going on in my life? I don't know. Thinking about the above. All the time. I just want it doneee. I'm tempted to set away a period of 3-4 days to just get most of this shit done early so I'm not so worried about it. I want it to be summer so badly, which means I need a job. R'l bad.
Dear Smith College,
Please hire me.
Love, Nicole